Tuesday, February 25, 2014


NOW AVAILABLE effectively recycled and waste IRON PRODUCTION

In the Novosibirsk Institute of Mining Sciences have developed a technology for recycling industrial waste iron ore production, which can be used in the processing of waste crushing and processing plants and mining overburden dumps the steel industry.

Waste iron ore production is always a negative impact on the health of people living and working near these plants and factories. All kinds of occupational lung diseases, asthma and chronic skin v this is the price for the work of these enterprises. No need to also say that the number of cancers in the population at these plants or waste dumps near the mining of iron ore, as is many times higher than the national average.

Therefore, reducing the harm of these industries and their wastes on human health and the environment v major environmental challenge of our industrial country.

Researchers Novosibirsk Institute of Mining Science have developed a technology that increases the efficiency, completeness of extraction of useful components for 5-10% of waste and reduce environmentally harmful emissions from the production of iron ore through the processing of the old dumps and reclamation of waste pits.

The technology consists in that the enrichment is carried gravitational segregation of waste and recovered while waste fractions: over 100 mm +60-100 mm +10-60 mm and 0-10 mm. Each of these fractions and the crushing step takes place separate magnetic separation as nizkogradientnoy and high-gradient, with release of the construction material as ballast and crushed magnetic substandard product fractions which were combined with smaller waste is crushed again. And so to complete the pulverization.

The resulting building material is then used as a drop-out rates for backfill waste pits or as a sub-standard magnetic product, which is directed by nizkogradientnuyu magnetic separation to remove iron and sulfide production of sinter product to be sent to recover other valuable components by flotation.

The technology has been successfully tested on waste crushing and processing plants and waste rock quarry of Sheregeshskoe Mining Group.

Contact information:

630091, Novosibirsk-91, Red avenue, 54, IM SB RAS