Tuesday, February 18, 2014


`` KYIVENERGO eliminate about 90% of the damage

PAO Kyivenergo `Completed` annual hydraulic testing of heating systems of the Ukrainian capital. For 4 months of 1167 pressings found damages of thermal networks. 87% of them have been eliminated.

Repair the remaining `` Kyivenergo plans during September. It should be noted that the emergency repair work on most injuries do not affect the supply of hot water to consumers.

According to the approved schedule, the teams `` Kyivenergo experienced the strength of 51 area of thermal networks. The greatest number of injuries recorded on the networks of residential areas Nyvky, Hem, Belichi, Demiivka and Towers.

At the same time Troeschina and Borshchagovke in connection with the replacement of heating systems in 2011-2012. fixed tendency to reduce the amount of damage networks both operational and detected during hydraulic tests. For a long time in these areas, heating systems were in poor condition.

Thanks to large-scale heating systems relining for the past two years, this year managed to halt the growth of new lesions. For example, in 2011 during a test in 1221 found the damage in 2010 - 1172, in 2009 - 1165, in 2008 - 1054.

`Hydraulic tests have allowed us to detect and eliminate a significant amount of damage, thus prevent their occurrence in the winter. And although this year during testing we found fewer breakouts than last year, an improvement of the state capital of heating networks to speak prematurely. Today, about 60% of the pipelines have exhausted the standard period of operation and require replacement.

Significantly reduce the amount of damage and improve the state capital of heating systems is only possible as a result of large-scale modernization of pipelines#39; - emphasizes Deputy Technical Director `` Yuri Kyivenergo Gladyshev.

Simultaneously with hydraulic testing of heating systems `` Kyivenergo conducted repairs of power boilers and CHP-5 and CHP-6, district heating plants and boilers.