Monday, February 17, 2014


In Chukotka, plans to reconstruct a dam on the creek Pevek

As a result of the planned activities in the current year is supposed to create in the ground #39;ice shield#39;, which will prevent leaks of hydraulic structures.

In the administrative center of Chaun-Chukotka held an extended operational meeting on the planned overhaul of the dam on the creek Pevek. The meeting, chaired by First Deputy Chairman of the Duma of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug Andrew Gorodilov, attended Head of the Department of Industrial Policy, Construction and Housing and Communal Services of Andrew Eskin, the head of the district Chaun Eugene Danyluk, executives rescue departments, the county and the municipal utilities of Chukotenergo `` as well as scholars of the Russian Research Institute of Hydraulic Engineering. Vedeneev.

Andrew Gorodilov said that for the moment the question of the upcoming renovation of the dam Peveksky county government recognized priority. Decision on granting subsidies from the district budget for capital repairs of the dam at the rate of more than 195 million rubles in July of this year, signed by the governor Roman Kopin. Funding will be held in the framework of the regional target program #39;Development of the infrastructure of the Chukotka Autonomous Region for 2010-2014#39;.

`During the work on the dam may be restricted water supply to the city, in connection with what is necessary to clarify the timetable for Reconstruction facilities, a detailed plan of works, which are updated by the existing project to restore the dam and to make every effort to ensure that businesses and citizens have not experienced any nuisance #39;, - said Andrey Gorodilov.

After familiarizing the participants with the current situation, the participants of the meeting were invited to share their views and suggestions.

Head of Laboratory of Engineering Geology `` VNIIG. Vedeneyeva Oleg Boiler talked about visual inspection of GTS, based on which the conclusion of the need to repair the structure itself and the base of the dam emergency.

`Particular attention should be paid to the left bank of the dam. The main efforts in conducting further work is required to forward to the construction of the zone promorozku `, - recommended Oleg boilers.

In addition, the researchers were asked to build a new vapor-liquid system freeze problem areas along with forced air cooling of an emergency dam in the near term.

The participants of the meeting were also discussed in detail the development of alternative scenarios for the current situation. Thus, in the course of the meeting were announced proposals for the construction of a desalination plant near Pevek mixed, allowing the processing of sea water to drinking status, as well as on delivery of water from the nearest administrative center of the water during the work.

Following the discussion, the meeting agreed on the need for additional operational geophysical studies. This phase of the reconstruction will be held in October this year. Further work on the drilling of wells in the body of the GTS and cooling systems installation will begin in November and will be completed in the spring of 2013.