Berezovsky GRES the heating season
Connecting consumers to centralized heating takes place from 15 to 25 September, the schedule agreed with the city and regional authorities. First of all, the heat will kindergartens and hospitals. A prerequisite for timely connection to the heating was the presence of technical readiness of heating systems in buildings to receive the warmth, flushing and pressure testing of in-heating systems.
In order for the upcoming heating season was held in Sharypovo without fail, a subsidiary of `thermal network Berezovskaya GRES` during the summer has been replaced and repaired more than 5 km of heat networks, installed 400 sets of new valves
In Sharypovo schedule will only connect metropolitan area networks, and the people together with their management companies and HOA can decide for themselves: to connect to heating your house with a planned time or do it later to save on payment. Common parts, established with the support of the branch `thermal network Bereza power plant` in most apartment buildings of the city, give consumers a choice.