Monday, January 20, 2014


`` FREGAT EKODZHET passes test

`` Rosaviaconsortium conducted aerodynamic testing of a new model of a commercial aircraft is known as `Frigate Ekodzhet`.

Tests conducted in a wind tunnel of the Central hydrodynamic Institute and showed that the main characteristics of the estimated future aircraft. The tests are carried out yet, but early data are already saying that the new aircraft model may be a breakthrough in the civil aircraft industry. The main feature of the new aircraft is an elliptical cross-section fuselage, which allow to achieve unprecedented fuel efficiency - about 20% higher than that of the currently existing models.

`` Frigate Ekodzhet designed to enable operations to a distance of 4,500 kilometers and is designed for use on routes of medium and short-range. The aircraft can carry 300 to 350 passengers. Aerodynamic efficiency of the aircraft according to preliminary calculations is 17.5, and the specific fuel consumption - 15 g / unit. But before the release of the aircraft is still far - currently being tested aerodynamic model.

If these tests are successful start designing liner.
In the development of the aircraft from the experiences of designing the so-called plane of the integrated circuit (IC-1), on which work began in the early 2000s.
If the Russian aviation consortium praises of forces and capabilities to complete the development of this promising liner, then the Russian aircraft industry has a good chance to regain lost ground in the production of civil aircraft.