Monday, January 6, 2014



Institute of Solution Chemistry, RAS, together with Roslan was developed more than a simple, economical and environmentally friendly, compared with all known existing methods, the technology of production of cotton cellulose fibers, which can be used in the textile industry for the replacement of outdated production capacity.

The strategic task of providing for the Russian release of medical supplies, regardless of market prices of imported cotton and the quality is decided by using domestic bast fibers, especially linen. Development of high-performance, fuel-efficient and environmentally friendly ways to clean pulping and technical fibers, allows a low-grade short flax and flax spinning waste to get high-quality materials with valuable medicinal properties and significantly expand the resource base for enterprises producing cotton and products based on it, is a necessary condition of the foregoing technical problems. Only such an approach can ensure the competitiveness of domestic goods, compared with their foreign counterparts and allow not only satisfy the domestic market, but also to penetrate foreign.

To this end, the Institute of Solution Chemistry, RAS, together with Roslan technology was developed more than a simple, economical and environmentally friendly method of producing high-quality medical cotton, compared with all known existing methods.

Production of cellulose wool fibers is blocked by pre-machining, and thereafter - chemical treatment is carried out in which the first preliminary chemical removal of impurities and whitening, and then treating with a peroxide solution and the subsequent washing and pulping, wherein prior removal of impurities and whitening is performed by acidification and subsequent oxidation of cooking, and washing is carried out directly after treatment with a peroxide solution.

Obtained by this technique wool meets the requirements of GOST 5556-81, requirements for hygienic and surgical cotton. It is characterized by high whiteness 72-76%, 82-85 mm capillary action, moisture absorption of 24-27 g / g fiber, uniform composition, the lack of zagoroshennosti (in the case of flax wool) and easily splits into parallel layers. Mass fraction of short fibers therein is not more than 0.1%, and fat content of waxy compounds and 0.2-0.5% sulphate salt - 0.02% chloride - 0.004% calcium - 0.06%.

In contrast to existing, extraneous, needles, splinter - the new wool available, and the reaction of aqueous extract it neutral.