Thursday, December 19, 2013


Opposite the Kremlin will build a new hotel and business center.

DB Development Company `` (a joint venture Deutsshe Bank and the Savings Bank) has signed with the investment company `A1` letter of intent to purchase land at the Sofia Embankment, which includes the area from the square at the Stone Bridge to the residence of the British Ambassador. Company `` DB Development plans to build at this site multifunctional complex with a hotel Four Seasons. The purchase price will be $ 180 million, the company said.

The facility consists of two adjacent plots of land intended for the design and construction of a multifunctional complex. In this territory are also the objects of cultural heritage, to be the restoration and reconstruction. The agreement was signed within the framework of a closed competition for the sale of the project, which some time ago opened `A1`.

The right to lease land at the Sofia embankment owned by a company `OAO Kremlin#39;s` and `of` Stone Bridge, which is a shareholder `A1`. Kremlin#39;s `` and `` Stone Bridge have a lease with the city for 49 years. Under the contract, the tenant can build in these areas, multifunctional hotel and business complex with apartments without additional burdens on the part of the city.

The area of the planned complex will be up to 47 thousand square meters. square meters of land.

As the president of the company `A1` Michael Khabarovsk, one of the key factors that will contribute to the successful implementation of the project - is the professionalism of the new team of the mayor, the Town Planning Professionals complex and Mosgornaslediya. According to market participants, this area is, in fact, one of the few to have the status of a truly elite in Moscow. It is located opposite the Kremlin, a historic building, a large number of sites and objects of cultural heritage, in particular, is located within walking distance of the Tretyakov Gallery.

According to the CEO `DB Development Dmitry Garkushi`, `this project is the most ambitious and visible on the Moscow real estate market over the past 5 years. There are all prerequisites, first of all - a unique location, an alternative to the Moscow market, it is not - Sofia along the promenade, opposite the Kremlin `. Experts estimate the ultimate cost of the entire hotel and business center can be about $ 900 million

At the moment, `` DB Development plans to begin active work on the preparation of documents for the completion of the transaction, as well as the design and preparation of construction in accordance with the adopted 1 November 2012. urban planning and land commission in Moscow with new technical features of the site development.