Wednesday, December 4, 2013



The head of the Joint Staff of the electric grid complex Chairman of the Board of FGC UES `` Oleg Budargin held a conference call with the heads of power grid enterprises in Central and North-Western federal district dedicated to the course of liquidation of unfavorable weather conditions.

The element that struck squally wind, blowing snow, freezing rain, in general, did not violate the efficiency of energy systems in the region. Timely made by enterprises and the distribution of the main set of preventive actions allowed withstand the impact of the elements and prevent serious supply disruptions. Headquarters praised the work of groups of energy companies in the Leningrad, Novgorod and Tver regions, who were able to promptly restore the broken power supply, and power company in the Moscow region, which provided reliable operation of the network and prevent disruptions in the supply of electricity to consumers.

At the same time, the situation remains difficult in some areas of the Pskov region. Energy work selflessly, day and night without ceasing to conduct rescue and recovery operations. Today in repair works at the power involved a total of 180 teams totaling 746 people and 209 pieces of equipment.

In the affected areas of the elements revelry Pskov power companies to help contractors and crews of #39;branch of IDGC of North-West `-` `Novgorodenergo, branches of IDGC of Centre` `-` Smolenskenergo `,` `and` Jarenergo Bryansk `,` MES North- West `,` `MES Center, the primary specialized repair facility of the Unified National Power Grid of Russia` Electrosetservice UNPG `. Active participation of teams of MES and the regional administration.

`As the normalization of weather conditions, we analyzed in detail the extent of abnormality, assessed their impact and progress of the power is restored. Considerable work has already been done. But time is running out. In order to provide maximum assistance to Pskov, renewable energy, efficient use of resources of the entire power grid facilities, as well as the coordination of the decision to increase the level of control and instruct guide the conduct of rescue and recovery operations in the Pskov region directly federal headquarters grid complex.

Pskov region will help the whole country #39;, - said Oleg Budargin.

To enhance coordination in the field conducting rescue and recovery operations directed the Deputy Executive Director of JSC IDGC Holding `` Sergey Arkhipov, deputy chief engineer of JSC FGC UES #39;Vladimir#39; Wild. Also, to provide guidance in the aftermath of freezing rain on objects `` Pskovenergo arrived Technical Director of United Electric Grid `` Anatoly Chegodaev - the Moscow region was confronted with similar problems in January 2011 and has already experience in restoration work is in the nature of such damage on the lines.

Now experts contractors, equipped with tracked vehicles, radios, cherry pickers terrain from other parts of the country arrived to assist in the areas of liquidation of emergency situations. Lots of work for arriving teams have already been determined. In the near future the number of contract crews will be doubled.

For night work will apply the light tower and installation. Used rotorcraft. Additional measures for the optimal placement and use of energy and resources.