Wednesday, December 4, 2013


In the center of Arkhangelsk POWER RESTORED

Recall, November 22 at 10:20 in the regional center of the simultaneous damage to the two cable lines was disrupted regular scheme of power supply. As a result, consumers are limited territories streets Urickogo K. Libkhnehta, the bypass channel embankment. Northern Dvina and ave. Dzerzhinsky, travel Badigin, st. Sermon, st.

Talazhskoe were without electricity.

At 10:53 socially important facilities, including two hospitals, water pumping facilities were powered by redundant networks with a distribution point? 7. Restoration work involved 19 specialists production department `power` Arkhangelsk branch `` ArkhEnergo.

To work on finding fault and transfer the load from the disconnected cable lines power distribution networks started immediately. At 13:34 came to electricity consumers, energized by the cable lines from the RP-11 (University Avenue, st. Severodvinsk, ave.

Novgorod, ul. Kulikova).

At 19:30 started to receive electricity in the house on Ave. University - ul. Serafimovicha - Novgorod ave. - St.

Vyucheyskogo. This was made possible not only by transferring the load from the damaged power lines to other cable, but also by connecting the diesel generator. The redundant power supply 400 kVA was included in the TA-427.

Once the diesel has been running at full capacity, power supply got all the consumers fed from this substation. At 23:00 TP-427 was powered by the normal scheme DES disabled.

Longer than others, work continued on the TP-182. Power supply of the residents living on the ave. Dzerzhinsky Ave Badigin, st. Sermon, st.

Talazhskoe was filed at 02:05.

Recall damage the cable line was the aging of the insulation. Despite the fact that the power supply is restored, repair work on the damaged equipment continued until 5am. Fully restore the nominal power supply circuit are planning next weekend.