GENERATING COMPANY Southern Kuzbass verify the legitimacy CONNECTION Teploset
The problem of illegal connections inhabitants of the private sector of the city Kaltayev to heating ducts Heating Network Company `company` Southern Kuzbass traditionally becomes urgent with the onset of cold weather. However, due to inadequate legislation to solve the problem so far without success.
At the next meeting, organized by the deputy head of the Kaltanskogo urban district, addressed the issue of unauthorized connection of some houses of the private sector Kaltan to district heating.
Representatives of the TSK UK focused attention on the threat of an unstable supply of heat due to violation of the hydraulic regime of the heating system, which can trigger illegal tapping some enterprising citizens.
The deputy head of the city district Kaltanskogo Shertuhov Kirill expressed the administration#39;s position all connections must be registered according to law, and for consumed heat must pay. To restore order decided to hold joint raids on the facts of illegal connections to heating networks and to inform the public about the rules of the legal connection to the heating system.
According to the decision of the Government of the Russian Federation #39;On granting the utilities#39; power to impose a state have the right to limit the flow of energeresursov unscrupulous subscribers.
To date inventory for a permit for the connection continues. Checked a number of private houses in the streets New, Komsomolskaya, School, Factory, Michurina, Kalinin, Garden Lane. Reconciliation addresses legitimately connected citizens and identifying non-contractual use of resources will run until December 22.
In some houses already limited supply of heat.
`We have notified the inhabitants of the county on the measures to be taken to avoid such visits and constraints in the supply of heat, - said General Director Sergei Korzh TSK UK. - Thanks to these raids is changing for the better. We hope that the issue of illegal connections to the heating systems in the near future will be removed from the agenda, and the risk of disruptions in the supply of heat is past #39;.