Tuesday, November 26, 2013



In Surgut in the past year, there are now almost 165 thousand square meters. meters of retail space. This is mainly shopping centers contemporary format. Small boutiques of local entrepreneurs are empty.
Hardly anyone would argue with the fact that last November, the city started a new business era, writes `` Surgut Tribune. There are shopping malls, so beloved by Ugra during trips to Russian cities. And if before Surgut had sometimes deliberately arrange a shopping tours, trying otovaritsya for the next six months to a year, during such a trip, now go anywhere especially not necessary.

Now the Surgut can on the weekends with their children and spouses to go on purchasing leisure and entertainment. The whole family can be put in one place and have a cheaper textiles, and more expensive. But in general, to find enough budget, but, moreover, branded clothing and footwear for the residents of Surgut is no longer a headache.
From now on, perhaps forever, you can forget about our favorite in the early 2000s, small shopping centers, pestreyuschie local resellers. Needless to say flea markets with their street stalls. Maybe somebody goes there, but does that out of habit or ignorance the best deal.
- In fact our new shopping center - it#39;s the same markets, but civilized, - says the manager of one of the stores in the mall `Aura #39;Alex Tsai. - If people still go to the same Chinese market, they can only sympathize. Those who are merchandised in new stores, the benefits of selling there goods are obvious.
If earlier buyers in small shopping center near the house was a little during the week, but now there are none on the weekend. While in #39;Aura#39; and #39;City Mall#39; we see a full house. Owners of small boutiques with clothing such changes are clear.
Make purchases all the family there many like more clothing can be and my mom and dad and child to find. Especially, there is also entertainment, and cafes - says the seller shop in the shopping center `Borisov` Lyudmila. - We go by those who live nearby, and mostly older women. Here, because we have the people there: you can try on clothes safely.

From shoppers heard that in these shopping centers even consult with the seller can not behave young girls konsultantki arrogant.
Buyers are older, who are used to shopping the old format, and just do not gravitate towards large-scale purchases, and will likely target segment of small boutiques.
- We have our regular customers, so they keep us going. And then, it is those who live nearby. And, of course, buyers have become much less - says Irina, the owner of clothing boutique in one of the shopping center in Surgut. - We are trying to import inexpensive clothing, focus on the material prosperity of our customers.

Those with more money, probably somewhere in Siberia `go`.
Close its store our interlocutor is going. He says that before retirement began to engage in this business for himself. Husband#39;s salary of petroleum enough to live on.

But those for whom the sale of clothing and footwear not leisure, and the main source of income, is now heavily necessary.
- #39;Passage#39; is half empty, many who took a run - shares observations owner of the shopping center Alex. - In our mall a lot of service companies, and now they have no end. The beauty always enough people. There are quite a sought-after coffee. In school, children are engaged in foreign languages. And, of course, the residents of the adjacent neighborhoods constantly go to the supermarket in our building.

The owners of the shops with clothing business, of course, are not going so well.
Useless to call small shopping centers in the house, of course, impossible. There and products you can buy, and medications, and get a haircut or a manicure done, after all. Cheaper rent also allows you to open a small office there. There remains, however, is the fact that the clothes and shoes in these stores to buy, few people want.

The local traders to buy up clothes somewhere in Turkey or China, and the prices are higher and presentation - nothing to hide - is worse.
`Surgut suddenly became fashionable`, joke now in social networks. We now know a lot about brands: we want to dress in online stores of famous brands, and thus pay for things in two times less than the dealers. Perhaps this says about the transition to a new city dwellers consumer level.

If in the 1990s because of poor supply most of us went to the markets, and then began to walk to the shopping centers, but now we go shopping in shopping malls with plenty of supply and quality infrastructure.
- Small shops themselves do not become obsolete, they just met up with a different level of competition. It is always possible to open a shop better. If an entrepreneur wants to stay in the market, it is necessary to improve the quality of their work, - said Alex Tsai.
Last point - the most obvious solution for those with a new type of commerce in the city was unclaimed. These are the laws of business: profit is the one who works best, and the buyer, of course, vote pocketbooks.