Wednesday, November 27, 2013



From space - in jackets

Aerogel - a very light material, one of today#39;s best thermal insulators known to mankind. In addition, he has great specific strength, keeping the load in two thousand times its own weight. In particular, it is used in space suits and thermal insulation of the Mars rovers. However, until recently, he had a very unpleasant drawback: the material is very durable, but inelastic.

That is, if it is compressed, it is broken, such as glass. Recently, however, researchers from the American University, Carnegie Mellon University published the results of studies from which it follows that the graphene coating for aerogels can overcome this shortcoming. The resulting material is easily moved one million cycles of compression-recovery without the slightest trace of changes in the shape or volume after removal of the deforming load.

This means that it is now a flexible heat shield can also be applied to clothing, for example, making winter jackets not as bulky as the current options. Of course, only a list of clothing use is not limited to, for example, using a new airgel can reduce the size of refrigerators using a thin heat insulating layer.

Control over the exercise

Technologies to be used in clothing, various sensors to obtain information about the functioning of the human body did not appear yesterday. But the modern trend is that even in the presence of such devices in the clothes she remained comfortable and beautiful, that is not always possible. One of the best examples of the latter - Project Move, created by designer Jennifer Darmur. Under this name hides wear for Pilates - a popular form of fitness, which is critical to the positioning of the back and abdominal muscles. In a T-shirt offers you four flexible sensor (front, back and sides), which determine the position in space.

Darmur worked with trainers, pilates and found a list of the most common mistakes. So, for example, when the thigh is raised at a time when it should be omitted, sensors detect the correct position, and small motors with a soft vibration in the right place make it clear that the position needs to be adjusted. In the future, these technologies can be used not only for Pilates, but also to work out the proper movements, such as golf or baseball.

Antibacterial fabric

Scientists of the Polytechnic University of Barcelona have made the creation of a special kind of medical textiles, which kills harmful bacteria. As a result, research scientists have been able to create a fabric which retains antibacterial properties even after 70 washings. Spanish scientists are now working with two manufacturers of medical apparel and lingerie.

Tested things out of new tissue in Bulgaria, one of Sofia#39;s hospitals. The results, as reported by the researchers, yet positive, which means that using such fabrics can reduce the number of cases in hospital patients, whose number is now, according to the researchers of 3 to 10% of all persons in a hospital.

Nanosilver under attack

Not always new technologies - is an unambiguous good and good. Scientist Rickard Arvidsson of Sweden Chalmers University of Technology conducted the study, as silver nanoparticles are used in the production of sportswear to remove the smell of sweat, impact on the environment. It appears that the wash these particles are washed, they are released from the silver ions, which are toxic for bacteria and other organisms.

For wastewater, they are sent to independent travel, then contaminating the soil. According to Arvidson, silver nanoparticles in the clothes become one of the main sources of silver in wastewater. Conclusions The researchers are: to reduce the amount of silver nanoparticles in clothing or even reduce the production and use of such clothing to avoid contamination of the environment.

In addition, the researcher notes, silver - it is a limited resource, and pour it down the drain is not the most thought-out decision.