ON THE POWER IN POLAND explosion occurred
The explosion was caused by ignition of coal dust in the main assembly plant. Emerged after the fire spread also to the second power.
`Now the fire at the 40-meter block number one and number two. Under the threat of a 60-meter block number three. Our actions are aimed both at making extinguish the flames from the fire and protect the third block #39;, - the press-secretary of the fire service Dolnoshlenskogo province Krzysztof Gelsa.
He said the affected staff first aid stations, and their health is safe.
Director of the station `Turuv` Roman Valkovyak, in turn, said that the four blocks are stopped, the remaining four continue to operate as normal.
In putting out a fire involved 15 fire engines.
Coal power plant `` Turuv works since 1962.