Friday, April 18, 2014



The Institute for Geothermal DSC RAS found a way to cost-effective use of geothermal energy and waste water treatment. New technology can be ideally used for heating of various facilities and compete with energy, using traditional energy sources.

Geothermal sources are in fact ideal for the production of electricity on the basis of their constant heat. This is especially true in Kamchatka, which is very rich in these sources. But, contrary to the expected, these sources are not usually used in mass-energy, but are used to lure tourists, admiring the beauty of Geysers in Kamchatka.

In this case, the edge itself freezes every year due to lack of fuel for power plants.

What prevents the use of geothermal sources?

It turns out that the whole point is that the reserves of most geothermal fields have low to medium temperatures, which does not allow them more competitive with traditional energy sources. This hindered for decades the development of geothermal energy.

Out of the impasse was found in the Institute of Geothermal Problems, Dagestan Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, which found out that many of the exploited geothermal fields in excess wellhead pressure exceeds 5.10 MPa or more, and such waters contain significant amounts of dissolved gases, organic, amounting to 4.5 m3 / m3 or more. Scientists have found that the methane content in these waters more than 90%. And so far the operation of these types of energy fields are not disposed of properly.

Scientists at the Institute for Geothermal technology developed optimal energy utilization of thermal waters and increased thermodynamic efficiency of the process.

This goal was achieved by their transmission via the intermediate heat exchangers geothermal water with the secondary fluid as an additional source of energy of the chemical energy of the dissolved gases. Transmission is by the use of primary and secondary separators. A distinctive feature of their technology is that as an additional source of energy is used concomitant potential energy of geothermal water.

The converters of the potential energy is used expander and compressor on the same shaft, and for the energy of the dissolved gases used gas tank and gas distribution point.

Thus, based on this technology can effectively develop the geothermal energy to be competitive compared to energy using a hydrocarbon-based fuel, or coal.

Contact information:

367030, Makhachkala, etc. Shamil 39-A, Dagestan Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences IPG, AB Alhasova