Tuesday, April 15, 2014



Total revenue of the plant for the period amounted to about 1 billion rubles.

Significant growth performance Sibenergomash `` in the first quarter of this year due to the positive effect of the implementation of major projects and the increase of orders that require long production cycle. At the moment, the order book of the plant is 8 billion rubles. In production are orders worth more than 3.4 billion rubles (more than 8 thousand tons).

In the first quarter of `` Sibenergomash continued implementation of the program of modernization and development of the production. For these purposes was sent 17.5 million rubles. The main emphasis is on the acquisition of a new high-efficiency equipment. Realized at the plant investment projects contribute to increased productivity, the creation of high-tech products, improve competitiveness.

Currently active work on the development of new product lines. A total of 2012 for the modernization plans to spend 250 million rubles.

Sharing and implementing the principles of social responsibility, `` Sibenergomash allocates substantial funds for social programs. More than 100 thousand rubles this year to provide summer recreation for children of employees of the plant. At the moment, the dining room complete overhaul shop? 9, is under construction on a new modern medical center at the clinic `` Sibenergomash.

Particular attention is paid to teaching staff - in 2012, the program will finance the development of employees of $ 4.7 million. The plant is a bona fide taxpayer. In the first quarter of 2012, now transferred to the budgets of all levels of 120 million rubles.