Monday, April 7, 2014



During the long period of its existence, Ivanovo blankets were able to become famous and high quality, and durability, and the price reasonable. This was facilitated by the great masters, which laid a good tradition of making these things. Even in modern times contradictory Ivanovo textile does not lose its great popularity.

We must pay tribute to makers of curtains - Ivanovo textile factory, which, as they say, is not fixated on the running of products and is constantly expanding its product range, producing and pillows, mattresses, blankets and bed linen.

Implementation of production today has become more than a simple matter, since developing and online stores that are also easily available and cheaper, for example, covers of different colors and sizes. Although the sellers say that the greatest demand is owned standard half-and two-bedroom curtains, which are made of hypoallergenic, high-strength, environmentally friendly materials. But the manufacturer comes up with the most sophisticated demands of consumers.