Thursday, April 10, 2014


In Sochi microturbine REPLACED piston installation

Supply, installation supervision, commissioning of equipment and training of personnel carried the company `` BPC Engineering.

It is noteworthy that the modernization project involves not only increase the capacity of existing power plants, but also the replacement of the three existing gas engine plants - two 500 kVA and 750 kVA one - on microturbine. This decision was made by the company in connection with the operation of the high cost and complexity of the service and available gazoporshnevogo equipment.

Capstone microturbines comparison with piston units showed that they are more cost-effective and easy maintenance due to lack of oil, liquid cooling, a small amount of consumables and routine parts. Service intervals are at microturbines 8000 hours - this about a year of continuous operation. Replacement piston units at the microturbine will reduce customer service costs power of 3-4.

Simple maintenance work will be carried out by specialists of the SEC #39;New Age#39;.

Fully automatic operation for energy generation eliminates the need for continuous staff presence at the facility. An updated plant will operate in three-generation by incorporating into its structure 4 heat exchanger capacity of 1.2 MW each, gas boilers with a total capacity of 5 MW and two absorption-refrigeration machines with total capacity of 5 MW. As a result, the total energy center efficiency can reach 90%.

All this will provide a low cost of its own electricity, which is estimated will be only 1.5-1.75 rub. per kilowatt-hour, which is more than 2 times lower than existing network tariffs in the Krasnodar region. In this case, heat and cold customer gets virtually free.

Another important argument in favor of choosing Capstone microturbines was their resilience to stress, since the consumption of electricity at the facility at night is reduced by 80%. Microturbine profile monitors consumption and a stable operation at full power and at very small loads up to 1% of the power. Even at low loads is ensured optimum fuel consumption without reducing the service life of the equipment as opposed to the gas-piston machines whose operation at loads below 50%, it becomes extremely unreliable and expensive, and often even impossible.

Environmental performance of microturbines, the level at which the emissions of CO and NOx shall not exceed 9 ppm, and a low level of noise allowed to observe all of the most stringent environmental standards and place a micro-turbines in the resort town.

According to the customer#39;s complete independence from the central electrical communications provides high reliability and continuity of supply of the object, which in turn ensures comfort for visitors and tenants. Currently C1000 Capstone microturbine plant completely covers the energy needs of the shopping center area of about 40,000 square meters. m, which includes about 100 stores, cafes and restaurants, a modern bowling alley and movie theaters, parking for 300 cars, ATMs, banks and a supermarket. Natural gas-fired plants have been dismantled.

Construction of shopping mall #39;New Age#39; is continuing and the area will be expanded to 160,000 square meters. m In this regard, in the third quarter of this year, provided the launch of three more C1000 Capstone microturbine installations with a total capacity of 3 MW. The high degree of prefabrication of microturbines and easy installation allows to quickly connect additional units to the existing power plant. The lack of vibration during operation of microturbines will place equipment in a limited area on two floors, which will reduce the area of micro-turbines for energy generation by half compared with a gas piston power plant of similar capacity.

In total, the project of modernization and development of the power plant involves the installation of four Capstone C1000 microturbine units with a total capacity of 4 MW.