In Ukraine, the powerful oil deposits have been explored, but the information on their whereabouts hidden in Moscow. On this Monday, the TV channel Tonis said the representative of the president in the Cabinet Lanovyi. Among the known deposits Lanovoi called oil and gas field offshore Black Sea coast, noting that the actual amount of its reserves to the state is unknown. This was known by those who need - said Lanovoi.
In his view, the deposit is one of the largest in the world. The President#39;s representative in the government also said that oil reserves are found in other regions of the country, but refused to say what specific. This, in particular, the so-called poor regions where people are out of work right now, - he said.
According to Lanovoi, maximum use of their own oil reserves in Ukraine should be one of the ways to avoid the dictates of the price of the Russian oil companies. We think we are - a strong animal, and we - as a mouse, who played - described the presidential adviser relations between Ukraine and oil traders.