Wednesday, April 9, 2014


ESTONIA the number of supporters ALTERNATIVE ENERGY

Conducted by TNS Emor survey found that the majority of Estonians support shale and wind energy, and advocates for the most part supports both types of energy.

The number of supporters of the oil shale in comparison to 2011 increased from 69 to 71 percent, the number of opponents is kept at 18 percent. The number of supporters of wind power is also increased by two percentage points, to 85 percent, and the number of opponents remains at about 9 percent.

According to head of the sphere of production of heat and electricity Eesti Energia Raine Pajo, the results would have been fundamentally different if the respondents would consider the money paid to different kinds of energy. For example, for electricity produced from wind producer is paid to about 9 cents a kilowatt, and shale power plants are paying about 4.5 cents.

In comparison with last year rose more than just support the production of energy from waste, which is supported by 80% of Estonian residents. This indicates that residents of Estonia supported and construction waste incineration unit at Iru Power Plant Eesti Energia. A year ago, the same figure was 73%. The consumption of wood chips and other bio-fuels supports 80% of Estonian residents.

According to Pajo, this industry in recent years has developed rapidly, and in almost all Estonian cities with sufficient thermal energy needs built or are under construction station co-production of heat and electricity.

According to Raine Pajo, it is noteworthy that the support of the Estonian oil shale is greater than the best they made aware of the scope of investment. `Of those who are better informed about the latest trends in the industry, the use of oil shale for the production of heat and electricity 78% support, and it is a very high rate of` - said Pajo.

As for the use of biofuels on the Baltic power, then this practice supports 70% of Estonian residents. According to Pajo, this figure could rise much because of the co-combustion of wood chips and slate spread a lot of misinformation. `Co-firing slate and wood chips for heat and electricity - the cheapest way to produce renewable energy, moreover, it helps to significantly reduce the impact of shale electricity on the environment #39;, - he added.

In ordered Eesti Energia and TNS Emor conducted in June 2012 study on a random sample of 1,000 people took part in the age of 15-74 years.