Tuesday, April 8, 2014


`` Belgorodenergo CHECK STREET LIGHTS

Experts took into account both the objective characteristics of the instrument lighting and subjective opinions of Belgorod.

In the wild nzhenery branch of IDGC of Centre `` - `` Belgorodenergo tested the lamp DKU-98-110 with LED matrices, induction lamp YML-ZD01, and sodium arc lamps (HSL) of two types: traditional and modern. Traditionally used for outdoor lighting with 30-ies of the last century. They are equipped with electronic-magnetic control gear (CCG).

Modern lamps with DNAT equipped with electronic control gear (ECG). In lighting networks Belgorodenergo they are not yet used, but according to the experts have some objective advantages.

Objective lighting characteristics such as power consumption, the average luminance, luminous efficiency, uniformity of illumination, the experts evaluated on a 10-point scale. By all indications leading position occupied lamps with DNAT (9.5 points), scored 9.4 points induction lamps. In the laggards were led lights.

From the point of view of the cost of maintenance costs and payment of electricity consumed most effective were the induction lighting sources. In the standard schedule of urban outdoor lighting 5000 hours per year induction lamps will last up to 20 years! A little behind DNAT with electronic ballasts in third place - DNAT EM.

The cost of the operation of LED lights is not yet able to compete.

From the point of view of the subjective perception (color and comfort) to the human eye the most pleasant and powerful soft bluish light emitted by induction lamps (9.6 points), second place - LED lights. `Orange` lamp DNAT the human eye perceives is not good, because, in the words of Belgorod, they are all painted in orange illuminated objects.

The study concluded that the energy that is widely used in lamps DNAT EM is not as effective as it should be, and should gradually go away in time. On change can come as their modern counterparts - sodium lamps with electronic ballasts, and induction lighting devices whose operation is based on the luminescence of mercury vapor in the process of ionization by an electric current. Long life of these lamps due to their lack of electrode, the heating coil and other items that can burn ``. About LED lighting devices, today we can say is that they are considered fashionable and quite promising.

About the benefits of speech does not go. However, inefficient today LED technology in a few years to catch up with and overtake the other technologies.