Monday, April 7, 2014



Cultural Communication Center is under the wing of the municipality and is located in the heart of Klaipeda, close to Theatre Square. Two floors are devoted to the exhibition halls, there are also four workshops for artists, where the master-classes, and visitors can witness how art is born. You can compare this space with Rigas Makslas telpa, but the comparison is not in our favor. Yes and international projects we have arranged is extremely rare.

Latvian art is cooked in its own juice. It also embarked on co-operation and projects in the global context. And rightly so - in fact to appreciate the contribution of his country in a particular genre, you need to be aware of what is going on in this area in the world.

Last Friday, in the center opened two exhibitions on the ground floor - an exhibition of contemporary glass Vitrum Balticum, on the second - an exhibition of contemporary textiles En Face. And in that and in other participating artists from Latvia. Glass art (art copyrights) are Vineta Rain, Barbalha Gulbe, Ilze Dudina, Dainis Gudovskis, Martha Ģibiete, Inita Emane and Iveta Brenz, textile - Baiba Criteria and Iveta Vecenane.

I will discuss the exhibition of textiles En Face, which, unlike the Vitrum Balticum, arranged for the first time in Klaipeda. In Lithuania, the mecca of textile art - is Vilnius and Kaunas, where the textile departments of the same university, representing different areas. In Kaunas, every two years to organize international biennial of textile art, one of the most famous in Europe. Klaipeda was in the side - to her best creations of textile artists did not make it.

This omission has decided to eliminate the director of the Center of Klaipeda Cultural Communication Ignace Kazakyavichyus.

- Title En Face exhibition reflects our desire to show the face of modern textiles. They know about the art people? Batik, tapestry, fabric printing - that#39;s about all that can remember the man in the street. But artists have long been master and coming up with new technology, although it is the tradition and commitment.

We have selected 10 works by artists from the three Baltic countries to them as an example to show the trends of textile art of Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia.

Lithuanian masters inclined to experiment. They like to mimic the structure of textiles, using different materials: paper, wire, beads. Another trend - is the work on associations, imitation textiles semantics: its softness and warmth.

Monica Zhaltauskayte-Grashene works in jacquard computer technology. Her work - this is the big screen with a picture of a newborn baby. From a distance it seems that it is the pictures on the web, and only came close to objects, you see how the image shatters into woven `pixel`.

It is woven in the workplace, and the task of the artist was to adapt the picture to a computer program.

Another Lithuanian artist uses in his work machine embroidery. She embroiders the words and phrases, and literally stenografiruya them, heard - in the creation, here and now.

Optical textiles (embroidered with optical patterns), textiles as part of a multimedia project (on the canvas - embroidered thrown tomato, shatters into pieces on the monitor next to - video, how to throw tomatoes), with fotoprint textiles, textiles for documentary photography - all this variety of techniques represent Lithuanian artists.

Latvia is represented in the exhibition as a country, honoring the tradition in art. Two tapestry Baiba Criteria and three - Iveta Vecenane woven by the hands of artists on home looms in the traditional technique of traditional materials - wool and flax. But if Rieter weaves the photographs (usually landscapes) and considers himself a craftsman in the art, the Vecenane she comes up with artistic images, draw sketches, color coat and puts the weft threads, as it suggests an artist#39;s intuition.

She considers herself a pioneer. If not weaving, the coloring. `Coloristic romanticism #39;- described her manner Kazakyavichyus. Work Iveta Vecenane `` Abundance, who calls herself an artist has a fountain of positive emotions - a completely new and exhibited for the first time.

Estonians tend to design, direction, art craft. The exhibition shows the trend embroidery on the boards. A simulation of the fence grandmother kindergarten put on the floor in the center of the room. White floral pattern of filaments is not immediately apparent on a light wood, but leans closer - and seen mesmerizing.

For all boards scatter embroidered flowers.

Krista Leesi created computer print wallpaper with a very unusual ornament. From a distance it seems that this black skull on a white background. Zoom in and see what `skull` form images of famous Estonian brands: old Thomas - vane on the Town Hall, a swallow - the national bird, a squirrel - the logo of the Estonian Reform Party, trumpeter - a symbol of vodka Viru Valge etc.

Signe Kivi decorates the old rugs and carpets. Deliberately chooses the most worn, decorate them with rhinestones, paints over your designs ready to paint. On the one portrayed his portrait, the second as a fringe sewn their hair cut.

Controversial art, secondary, it is not utilitarian, something even repulsive, but it has a right to exist.