As soon as the news of the very cool miniature and lightweight handheld computer in its class (Dell Axim), the company broke Fossil announcement coming up in mid-2003 release to the market the Wrist PDA. It#39;s not a typo: not handheld, and most that neither is on the wrist computer, which does not differ in appearance from the clock. It#39;s called - WRIST PDA.
Watch a computer will be equipped with a processor Motorola DragonballVZ (33MHz), two megabytes of RAM, dvuhmegabaytnoy flash memory and an infrared port. The screen is, unfortunately, not a color - only 16 shades of gray and light. Inside - a common set of applications for the operating system Palm OS 4.1: notepad and address book, calendar and calculator.
However, in this computer will run any application under the Palm OS, but the manufacturer recommends to use only those that were created based on the small screen.