Thursday, March 13, 2014


MESSAGEONE OFFERS ultra-reliable email system

As you know, the postal system is extremely susceptible to the ravages of natural or man-made factors. In this regard, the company unveiled a new technology MessageOne hot standby, which allows messages to pass through the front-end servers when the main system fails.

The so-called Emergency Message Transfer System (EMS, from the Emergency Messaging System), is the latest development MessageOne (Austin, TX). The company was founded four years ago by Adam Dell, the younger brother of the famous producer Michael Dell computer equipment.

Traditionally dedicated solutions for managing e-mail systems in large organizations, MessageOne EMS developed after repeated requests from customers to ensure their systems are reliable duplication of e-mail messages, said Michael Rosenfelt, MessageOne vice president of marketing.

The existing systems were too expensive or too complex to manage. The high cost of systems due to the fact that in the event of a critical situation for each primary mail server has to reserve one. Need high bandwidth to connect workstations shared network, as well as staff to manage additional hardware.

Our customers want a solution that is functionally equivalent, but structurally different from Occurred - said the Rosenfelt.

EMS-server is managed by a specially developed system for the Linux kernel using security technologies and can simultaneously duplicate many mail servers that use other platforms.

For the integration of the backup e-mail system administrators to change their DNS scheme of adding IP-address of the EMS-server that will be used when other servers are unavailable. After the system recovery sent and received during the idle messages are synchronized with the main server.

Developed over the past year as a complement to existing systems, EMS is used by a number of customers MessageOne, including the DuPont Company and Siemens. Currently, the system operated more than 10,000 jobs.

As announced on Tuesday, MessageOne EMS offers to the public. The cost of connecting ranges from $ 3 to $ 15-20 for one mailbox per year.