This event Orthodox pokuryane waited a long time, since 1913, the village had a church of the Holy Virgin. As stated in the #39;Gazette#39; Klirovye church was made of wood covered with iron and painted crimson paint, had a bell tower. But in the years of Soviet power was destroyed. Residents have turned to the head of a smoke Nizhnevartovsk region Boris SALOMATIN to help them build a new church - chapel.
The head of the district administration held talks with the leadership of `` SiburTyumenGaz for funds. The funds were allocated under the economic agreement, in the summer of last year the foundation was laid, construction began. Contractor commitments to build the Chapel performed, completing it on schedule.
September 22 residents smoke, dressed with flowers in their hands, and some of the icons have come to the opening of the Chapel. The red ribbon was cut by the head of administration in Nizhnevartovsk region Boris SALOMATIN, Dean of the Nizhnevartovsk Archpriest Father Maxim and CEO of Alexander `` SiburTyumenGaz Tepljakov. Congratulate pokuryan attended by representatives of the local public organization of veterans of the Great Patriotic War, labor, combat veterans of the Armed Forces and the disabled Nizhnevartovsk region, as well as the Cossacks Nizhnevartovsk district Cossack society.
Congratulating pokuryan, Father Maxim said that the restored historical justice - to smoke in a temple was built a chapel. Now Orthodox believers can receive spiritual guidance, to participate in the Orthodox sacraments, pray in your church. While still in the church, the chapel is not his father, and all services will carry clerics Nizhnevartovsk Deanery, but over time this issue will be resolved, he said.
The head of administration in Nizhnevartovsk region Boris SALOMATIN congratulated the residents to enjoy a smoke with the opening of the church - the chapel, while noting the importance of the spiritual life of man. Following the tradition of spiritual revival in the region in recent years built temples and churches, chapels in Izluchinsk, Agan, Wat, smoke, built a temple-chapel in the Wachowski.
Congratulated believers and CEO of Alexander `` SiburTyumenGaz Tepljakov. Congregational Chapel in the day was donated to several icons. After the prayer the faithful entered the church, the chapel to pray and put a candle.