Monday, March 24, 2014



Environmentalists argue that the development Pyzhinskogo coal deposits near the Teles lake and nature reserve in the Altai Mountain Altai destroy the ecological integrity of the ecosystem, while in regional management of subsoil use assure that the development of the field in the near future will not be.

As reported by RIA Novosti on Wednesday, a representative of the Council of the Teles lake, according to their data, Rosnedra plan to license Pyzhinskoe metorozhdenie coal. The deposit is located 25-30 kilometers from the lake in the Artybashskogo rural settlement, and is part of a cooperation zone of the Altai biosphere reserve, which, like Teletsky lake is included in the list of World Natural Heritage. In a number of media reports about this appeared in the first half of May.

In particular, it was suggested that Rosnedra has made a request to the Department of Mineral Resources of the Republic of Altai to issue conclusions on the presence (absence) of protected areas, areas of limited land use within Pyzhinskogo coal deposits offered for licensing in 2013.

Development will not be

How, in turn, told the news agency deputy head of the regional administration for Subsoil Use Lydia Grakova, field development is not planned at all.

`Progammy licensing prepare us, and then it passes the assertion in Moscow. Fall will protect the program for 2013, but we do not plan to include Pyzhu there because there indigenous minorities, and they are strongly against the `- she explained.

Pyzhinskoe deposit of coal, according to authorities, is located in Turochakskiy area, 50 kilometers south of the village Iogach. According to the regional management of subsoil use, stocks only the central portion of the deposit category B + C1 reserves are estimated at 4.5 million tons. `Next field is not scouting. There coking coal, very high quality #39;, - said deputy head.

Environmentalists and experts believe that the development of the field will cause irreparable harm to the Teletskoye Lake ecosystem.

Wildlife and ecotourism

`This is primarily a drain Teles lake, river Biya, which flows out of it, along the way will be cutting down trees, building the necessary infrastructure in such cases. But the potential in these areas could dwell and snow leopard. But even if you do not talk about this rare animals live here and other wild animals, habitats which would be infringed #39;- told RIA Novosti director of the Altai Reserve Igor Kalmyks.

He recalled that at the time of the last inspection visit to the region by UNESCO experts are saying that the Convention will require coordination of all technical documentation with UNESCO, in the case of similar work near the World Heritage Site.

`In addition, the country is positioned as one of the leaders in eco-tourism. What kind of tourism will be discussed if the lake near the Teles begin to extract coal. All the infrastructure, the same road that will carry the coal, will be on view at tourists#39; - added the director of the reserve.

Local communities and fisheries

Also, according to Kalmikova, in the territory inhabited by indigenous peoples, and much of the places for them is an object of worship. `Here, and places of traditional nature - hunting, fishing, gathering of pine nuts. All this was necessary to forget, if there will mine coal #39;, - he explained.

He was puzzled why mine coal in a green corner, which is not much survived on the planet, if there is the Kemerovo region - one of the leaders in the Russian coal mining.

At the same time, according to the deputy director of the reserve for environmental education Svetlana Shchigreva, on the basis of numerous complaints of local residents Teles lake Council decided to write an open letter to the leadership of the country, as well as the head of the region Alexander Berdnikov to ban the licensing and further development Pyzhinskogo coal deposit.

`In turn, the majority of residents support the idea of rational use of natural resources, such as the revival of Kedrograda and cedar logging ban, the development of eco-tourism and the traditional use of indigenous peoples of the Altai #39;, - she added.

Non-commercial partnership #39;Council for Environmental and Economic Development sotsialno-Teletsk natural area#39; was created in 2009 to address the issues and challenges related to issues Teles lake and Teletskoye Lake area. It includes the Altay Nature Reserve, a non-profit partnership #39;Orion#39;, the administration and members of Artybashskogo rural settlement Teletsky society of hunters and fishermen, as well as private individuals.