Thursday, March 6, 2014


AUTHORITIES IN KRASNODAR to legalize the construction of townhouses

Krasnodar City Duma on Thursday approved amendments to sections of building regulations and land use, permitting the construction of low-rise detached houses on plots for individual housing construction, according to a decision of Council.

According to the document, MPs amended the rules of building zones Forums individual houses within the boundaries of Krasnodar and the borders of the city, including construction of housing construction in the blocked list of conditionally permitted uses of land. In this case, each unit (residential section) of the house should be at least 60 square meters. meters of free neighborhood, and construction itself should be no higher than two floors.

`Conditionally permitted use would hold public hearings to discuss the project of construction of the property. Thus, the developer will not be able to build a condo townhouses without the consent of the owners of neighboring parcels#39; - said during the debate chief architect Sergei Kuznetsov.

Locked building - the type of low-rise residential development, in which the same type in a row at home locked together side walls. Each of these houses has a separate entrance, a small front garden and sometimes garage. Previously existing rules, this type of residential facilities in Krasnodar was not provided.

Therefore, private developers were often forced to build townhouses on their own risk without the necessary permits.

According to the head of Krasnodar Vladimir Evlanova, thought decision is a difficult trade-off the authorities and developers in solving the problem of illegal and unauthorized construction in the city.

`Illegal construction is one of the most acute problems of Krasnodar. But the fight against this evil must not only punitive and restrictive measures, but also the system work to create a clear legal framework for the construction business. Worldwide, an apartment in a locked building homes are in demand.

In Krasnodar, there are areas that we could recommend for this type of housing #39;- the mayor said at a meeting of Council.

Standards of urban design Krasnodar apply to the preparation, negotiation and approval of the master plan, land use and development, planning documents, architectural and structural design. Compliance with the town planning regulations required in the construction, renovation and major repairs of buildings and structures.