Monday, February 3, 2014


What is the situation in the Donbass?

In the Donetsk region today produces not only coal - the land of Donbass rich in other minerals, which are not related to fuel and energy commodities. Among them - the refractory and refractory clay, fluxing limestone, gypsum, anhydrite, kaolin and so on. At the same time production of these minerals mined in an open way - there are no underground mines, the outer career. But it would be misleading to assume that such developments do not harm the ecology of the region.

Today, they are no less dangerous to the land, rather than direct pollution from industrial and domestic waste.


After making process is running (it does not matter what it is this field - fuel and energy, or both), with the land on which mining is carried out, there is only one prospect - reducing agrochemical parameters of soil. The latter include absorbent capacity - the ability to absorb and retain nutrients, soil reaction medium - level pH, availability of nutrients in the soil, which can be used at start agribusiness. That is, simply put, once these lands completely run out minerals, they are simply useless for agriculture.

A scale mining of minerals in the Donbass not a joke, so `` barren land in the region all the more.

`In the Donetsk region, there are more than 1 million of deposits of minerals, including this field, which was explored. Of these, about 400 deposits of fuel and energy resources. Last year, 444 operated field `, - the head of the environmental protection in the Donetsk region, Sergei Tretyakov.

If you deal with the question of deposits, which are developed exclusively open way, given and those that carried out exploration with a pilot operation in the area, there are 252 units of them. At the same from year to year, the volume of mining in which only grow, for example, comparing the performance of extraction of kaolin, which is used to generate electrical ceramics, paper and plastics, in 2010 and 2011, we get 356.3 thousand tons and 474.8 tons respectively.


General upward trend in the volume observed in all major destinations (clay, gypsum, limestone) for the past 7-8 years, with the exception of 2009, when the economic crisis has been some decline in production. It is these processes, according to experts, lead to an increase in acreage `empty #39;land - it is clear that the deposits of clay or limestone are not infinite in one particular field, and the constant increase in demand requires an increase in the number of deposits and, as a consequence of hectares involved elaboration. For example, in 2001 in the Donetsk region extraction of refractory clay was conducted in 8 fields, and in 2007 - 13.

All this, of course, is due to the desire to meet the demand for miners of minerals, and they do not think that actually consume the land, ideal for agriculture.

However, one should focus on the following curious fact - Today the area of land on which mining is not related to a group of energy, almost equal to the area reclaimed. But it does not merit environmental or mining companies - is to blame for all the same crisis of 2009, which lowered the `` volumes in about a year that made them with an area of reclaimed land. In this case, the past three years the trend continues - the growth of production and the growth areas of rehabilitation go hand in hand.


Referring to the statistics for the last couple of years, we can see that in comparison with 2010, the rate of reclaimed land in the Donetsk region in 2011 increased almost two-fold - from 113 hectares to 202 hectares. But why reclamation and how to carry it out? As mentioned above, the extraction of natural resources, reduced agrochemical parameters that can be resumed exactly reclamation - it contributes to the humus content to its original level.

At the same time, according to environmentalists area, one of the most effective ways is the afforestation of land reclamation, you can `` kill two birds - first, to ensure the growth of humus, which is the main goal for the depleted and unfit for any kind of agro-industrial activities lands, and secondly - the closer to the optimum percentage of forest land in the region (at a rate of 12% forest cover in the Donetsk region of only 7.7%).

But despite the benefits of such activities, not all businesses and local governments have the problem due attention. So, amid good results of successful greening of internal and external dumps deposits in these locations, Donetsk region, as Novotroick, Komsomolsk and Dokuchaevsk, the region has a vast number of #39;Losers#39; - communities in which attention is not paid to this issue.

`Of course, the positive experience of developed land afforestation in the Donetsk region there, but we still have a lot to be done. Would like to see the level of attention of the local self-government to this issue was somewhat higher - the largest waste and nerekultivirovannye area of land in the territories of Artyom, Volnovakha, Dobropilskiy, Constantine, Slavic and Starabeshevskogo areas as well as in Gorlovka, Makeyevka and Donetsk `, - Sergey Tretyakov.

Donetsk Donbass region and generally belong to the zone of risky agriculture - weather conditions are difficult to predict crop yields can vary greatly, from agribusiness has all the prerequisites to die in the bud. This is a serious problem that could leave residents of the area at best, with high prices for food, and at worst - and at no products. That is why it is so urgent issue of land reclamation of the former fields - too irrational to throw areas, which may in the future become a full-fledged land and give a small but growth in the agricultural sector of the economy.

This implies the need for the inclusion of remediation programs in economic and social development of the region and control by local authorities - all of which help to somehow preserve the land which have already brought their favor and lost interest for the miners, but it was still rich region . Let them only in the long term.