Wednesday, February 5, 2014


Russian coal in the EU has conceded AMERICAN

Growth in demand for coal in the Asia-Pacific region poses the problem of increasing Russian exports of solid fuels in the east, said the director of coal and peat industry of the Ministry of Energy of Russia Konstantin Alexeev at a press conference at the Kuzbass international coal forum in Kemerovo.

Konstantin Alexeyev said that the global economic community is entering a new round of economic crisis, which is reflected in the coal mines of Russia.

`So we need to pay more attention to the development of the domestic market, an increase in exports to the East because there we expect growth of demand for coal. This applies primarily to China, South Korea, North Korea, Japan and other countries in the Asia-Pacific region #39;, - said Alekseev, says `` Finmarket.

Exports to Europe, according to the director of the department, has become difficult because of strong competition with the American coal, which are displaced from the U.S. market use of shale gas. At the same time, the Asia-Pacific region#39;s increasing coal imports.

`According to the program of this year, China will import 185 million tons of coal, respectively, our share is now quite low, but the outlook is great. We are now exporting to China about 10 million tons of coal, and the possibility of a much more #39;, - said Konstantin Alexeev, adding that the problem of Russia in 2013 to reach the level of exports to China 15 million tons of coal, reports Interfax ``.

At the same time, Alekseyev noted the need to address the issue related to the quotas of Chinese railway, limiting the delivery of coal to 3 million tons per year.

`Given our capabilities, we will raise the issue in front of the Chinese side on the expansion of supply by rail and engaged in building the third transition #39;, - said Konstantin Alexeev.

Energy Minister Sergei Shmatko said at the beginning of the year pointed out that increase coal exports to the East.

#39;Exports will grow, mainly in the eastern direction, from 32 million tons to 85 million tons by 2030#39; - he said, noting that `the main objective here is to create sufficient infrastructure capacity #39;.

Recall that in the article for a Chinese newspaper, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on progress in 2011, building up to 10.5 million tonnes of Russian coal exports to the Chinese market, and plans for joint development of coal deposits.