Chinese production has become a powerful value in today#39;s market, the low cost of labor does not allow competitors to the Chinese economy is practically no chance. Therefore, even on the most expensive branded things are increasingly appearing marking #39;Made in China#39;.
One of the greatest sources of income from production to the Middle Kingdom is tailoring. Counterweight to China#39;s light industry decided to make the Pentagon, which has funded a new project at the Georgia Institute of Technical, giving it $ 1.2 million.
The project is dedicated to developing innovative robotic sewing machines. Opening the robotic plant tailoring a commercial scale, the researchers hope to significantly reduce the cost of production.
According to preliminary calculations, the new robotic plant will produce clothing in the United States, but paying for it is cheaper than in China.
The main advantage of robotic sewing machines is the complete control of the production process, the machine at each step evaluates the accuracy of the work. This allows you to put a more serious problem in the production of clothing, up to the complete elimination of human production.
Authors of the project is so serious about the success of that new technology has established a special company that will deal with legal security of the whole procedure.