Friday, February 14, 2014


Annunciation CHP are working at maximum energy opportunities

At the Annunciation CHP held a working meeting of the governor of the Amur Region Oleg Kozhemyako and director of the branch `Amur generation of` `` DHA Sergei Rudenko. The main subject of discussion was the construction of the second phase of the Annunciation CHP branch of power and readiness for the autumn-winter period of 2012 to 2013.

The meeting was also attended by Minister of Economic Development of Marina Dedyushko, mayor of the city of Blagoveshchensk Paul Berezovsky, the chief engineer of the branch `Amur generation` Alexei Yashin and director of the Annunciation CHP Andrei Sazonov.

The meeting began with the chief engineer of the branch Alexei Yashin reported to the authorities about the readiness of the Annunciation and Raitchikhino CHP power plant for the heating season. The heating season in the village. Progress has begun on October 1, in Blagoveshchensk - October 5. At present all the necessary equipment for the two power units of the branch is included in the work carried out all the necessary switching to translate from summer to winter operation of the stations.

Fuel stocks at the station far exceed the standards set by the Ministry of Energy: coal - 451,04 thousand tons, accounting for 126% of the statutory reserves, oil - 1.9 thousand tons, which is equivalent to 121%. The head of the region appreciated the fact that the Annunciation and Raichikhino CHP power plant using coal and Erkovetskogo Raichikhino fields. According to him, thus providing support for the fuel and mining sector of the Amur region.

During the official talks branch director Sergei Rudenko focused on the fact that the stations have the material resources of the reserve for emergency repairs, the main equipment of the stations is under special control chief engineer of DHA `` Eugene Bryleva.

However, the Annunciation CHP is already working at the limit of its energy capacity than is particularly concerned about energy and the Governor of the Amur Region. Lack of capacity impedes the development of urban industry and the construction of housing. In this regard, more details at the meeting discussed the implementation of the project of the second phase of the Annunciation CHP.

So far, the question of the financing of the project has not been resolved to the fullest. While the project is to increase the capacity of the Annunciation CHP developed Novosibirsk engineering company KOTES `Company`, passes the state examination.

Following the meeting, the Minister of Economic Development of Marina Dedyushko appointed curator of the project from the Government of the Amur region.

During the project implementation of the second phase of the Annunciation plant will have achieved growth of electric power from 280 to 400 MW of thermal power - from 817 to 992 Gcal / h, entering the turbine unit No. 4 and the boiler? 5.

Construction II-nd stage of the Annunciation CHP will satisfy the growing demand for electricity and heat in the Amur region, will provide a balance of energy and power, with exports to China will increase the efficiency and reliability of heat supply system by replacing retiring capacities unprofitable boiler Blagoveshchensk.