Friday, January 10, 2014



Thanks to the prestigious International Uzbek Cotton and Textile Fair, traditionally held on the initiative of President Islam Karimov, the increasingly growing demand for Uzbek cotton on the world market, the Uzbek fiber is delivered to consumers without intermediaries, which is important in the further expansion of cooperation with foreign partners. A special role in this play is also operating in our country cotton processing enterprises.

The joint venture `Indorama Kokand Textile`, the project cost of more than U.S. $ 55 million, through the modernization of production and the introduction of modern technology manufactured according to the international standards of quality yarn of cotton fiber. Installed at the enterprise highly advanced equipment imported enable the production of 7,000 tons per year.

-Today, in a world of increasingly growing demand for Uzbek cotton fiber, - says CEO of the joint venture Depak Rena. - Proof of this is to conduct a traditional international cotton trade fair participation of representatives of many countries. The quality of Uzbek cotton fiber micronaire indicators are very high. So our products every year in increasing demand.

For the last period of the joint venture `` Indorama Kokand Textile products were sold at $ 17 million. The company team set out to win the recognition of the global textile industry by further improving production. For this purpose, will be attracted investment of 20 million U.S. dollars.

This will get more revenue, create new jobs and businesses to take a product worthy place in the world market.

Most of the workers at the plant is young. Due to the rapid development of their advanced technology company reaches high levels.

Currently, the joint venture `Indorama Kokand Textile` daily produced 19-20 tons of yarn. International Uzbek Cotton Fair will serve as the attainment of such enterprises for new partners and increase their economic efficiency.