Monday, January 13, 2014


UKRAINE double exports POWER

The increase was due to uninterrupted electricity supplies to Belarus over the entire period, as well as an increase in the supply of electricity in the EU countries, including Poland (resumed in October 2011).

The volume of export transactions with coal is reduced. The decrease in exports in the third quarter of 2012 by 20.6% to 638.4 thousand tons are still due to lower demand in foreign markets and the low price for thermal coal as compared to the same period in 2011. The lack of imports of coal production due to sufficient internal resources for generating enterprises.

Purchase of electricity in the wholesale electricity market DTEK energy supply companies in the first nine months of 2012 increased by 3.6 times and amounted to 38.2 billion kWh.

On such a significant growth rate influenced the purchase of new energy supply companies, which significantly increase the volume of purchases and, accordingly, the supply of electricity to consumers.

In particular, in December 2011, DTEK consolidated 72.33% of the company `` Kyivenergo, in January 2012 - 71.34% Donetskoblenergo `` DTEK, in April 2012 - 51.50% `` DTEK Dneprooblenergo in May - 57 50% `` Krymenergo DTEK. It is important to note that the growth rate somewhat offset by a decline in demand for electricity from the mining and metallurgical complex, which consume more than 80% of the electricity supplied to the enterprise `service` Invest.

DTEK energy supplying companies continue to implement investment projects of technical upgrading and construction of new substations, upgrading and construction of power lines. Total funding for projects in this area in the III quarter was 609.6 million UAH (including VAT). Capital investments in the `` Kyivenergo capacity for generation and distribution of electricity in the period amounted to 343.6 million UAH (including VAT).

This will reduce the number of outages, reduce losses in networks.