Wednesday, January 8, 2014


SPORTING GOODS IN RUSSIA can fall in price?

Entrepreneurs Association sports industry appealed to the Interdepartmental Commission on protective measures in foreign trade and customs tariff policy with a proposal to reduce import duties on sports equipment and athletic footwear from 15% to 5%. It is reported by the Department of state regulation of foreign trade and customs affairs ministry. According to the applicant, such a measure would entail reducing the prices of imported sporting goods, making them more accessible to the public.

If there is a reduction in import duties on sports equipment and shoes, it has a positive impact on the pricing of sports equipment on the market #39;, - said the director of sports equipment chain stores#39; Planet SPORT#39; Constantine ees commenting on the proposal of the Association. #39;Prices in our stores are based on a percentage of: reducing the cost of customs clearance by 10% should automatically reduce the prices of sports equipment at the same rate#39; - said K. Botnikov.