Monday, January 13, 2014


PRECISION AND DEVELOPED A MOBILE DEVICE FOR DETECTION OF PLACES insulation damage, allowing quick and to the motion is determined by these places.

Russian scientists have invented a more perfect and the mobile device for the detection of insulation faults in the contact network, and can be used on the electrified rail transport as well as on the overhead power lines.

To detect the fault location isolation devices are commonly used for fixation of PD, as PDs are a sign of insulation. Such devices are accurate and recorded partial discharges in their high-frequency radio emissions. But in practice, they do not apply because of the need to use a cathode-ray oscilloscopes and because of the complexity of visual information processing.

And while in motion, this method does not apply.

A device to detect the location of partial discharges, which are used in practice, and which are based on the use of acoustic methods, when used microphones or sensors and geometric triangulation to determine the location of a partial discharge is also limited by a number of disadvantages. These include: the difficulty tune the acoustic noise caused by the moving vehicle, especially when driving on rails, the need for multiple microphones or sensors impossibility of using these methods and apparatus for finding the source of partial discharge of a moving vehicle, since the microphones and sensors is difficult and dangerous to set in motion on verifiable insulators under dangerous voltage.

Proposed by a group of researchers: Mryhinym SD, Mryhinym DS, BP Peretokina and Figurnova EP device rid of all these drawbacks.

Its working principle is that the vehicle mounted parabolic mirror with an acoustic receiver that converts acoustic waves into electric. Damage to the prison record, where the average duration of a given number of bursts does not go beyond the established boundaries, as well as the average length of the pause between bursts, too, must not exceed these limits should be fixed and established the presence of a controlled support insulators.

The device includes a timer supports generator of rectangular pulses of the same duration burst of PD, the determinant of the average duration of the pulse, the determinant of the average length of the pause between the pulses, the coincidence circuit and recorder signals.

The advantage of this technology is the ability to tune out all sorts of high-frequency and low-frequency noise from a variety of sources and record only partial discharges damaged insulator, thereby improving the accuracy of the bearings are defective insulators and driving at high speed. This is possible because these discharges are followed regularly with a frequency determined by the frequency of the grid, although the amplitude, frequency, and duration of these discharges may be different.

That is, in a very short time and with high accuracy can detect damage to the line. This saves money and increases productivity.

Contact information:

344022, Rostov-on-Don City. Pushkin, 217, kv.7, SD Mryhinu