Friday, January 24, 2014


OUR ANTI-SHAPED GARNET JET WAS BETTER WEST AND UNLIKE HER, have already been successfully tested and 100% effective

The system of protection against reactive cumulative grenades, which are engaged in the development of the West and that have been reported recently in almost all news media, works on the principle of the creation of the military around the object, such as a tank, a huge electric field strength of the current is the idea at the touch of a grenade on the body, should immediately burn her copper head portion, and thus, to remove shrapnel and high-explosive grenades impact, preventing penetration of the grenade body. This is not a fantastic idea, how insanely expensive and it is unknown whether the finds its incarnation. Our scientists of the Scientific and Production Association of Special Materials found a much easier way to just as well to protect our tanks from rocket-propelled grenades.

This method is working and protection 100% successful.

Protection method developed by researchers at NGO Special Materials - Serdtseva NI Averchenko AM, MV Silnikovym and Vasiliev NN, designed to protect the various facilities, including checkpoints, stationary and mobile accommodation, places of concentration of military equipment, various shelters, poorly protected environmentally hazardous and explosive objects, etc. from the effects of anti-tank grenade-type PG-7 rocket-propelled grenades the RPG-18, RPG-22, RPG-26, RPG-27 and other similar types of weapons.

In the study of unique technical solutions that address this problem, the authors have analyzed almost all of the technical development of Russia and the former Soviet Union, the U.S., Germany, France, Great Britain, Japan, for the period from 1975 to 2000. In the search and collection of positive signs in all of these techniques, researchers have identified promising new directions and principles for effective means of protection against the effects of reactive anti-tank grenades. The most promising agents are carried using a deflecting element which can solve this problem through the use of inexpensive materials with sufficient efficiency.

Researchers concluded that as the deflecting elements can be used in various devices as a combination plates disposed at different angles to each other, the corrugations of thin grids, etc. The most effective means are metal grids that at a certain location provides not only a deviation grenades, but also trigger an explosion of anti-tank grenades on the mesh screen, causing shrapnel removed and the impact of high explosive grenade on the securable and reduces the impact of cumulative jet engine fragments and stabilizer .

This technology is known to not reliable due to the fact that the material of which are made of metal mesh curtains without some different requirements, and therefore, the manufacture of such security systems could be used for this purpose steel wire with low ductility. As a result, the interaction with a rocket propelled grenade net curtains, there may be breakthroughs grenade mesh without initiation or abnormalities that may lead to fire anti-tank grenades in the protected object and its destruction.

By making their own additions to the scheme, scientists were able to increase the protective properties of mesh screens.

Then they were able to achieve in that the device protecting against jet cumulative garnet security elements included in the form of screens made of metal mesh with the size of cells to one half of the caliber of grenades. The mesh was made from wire with a diameter 1.4-3.0 mm and a ductility of 80-150 (MPa /%).

?The interaction of cumulative grenades and mesh screen to the head of the operation was the fuse before the grenade burst mesh screen, its kinetic energy must be approximately equal to the energy that is spent on the destruction of the mesh screen |, - the researchers say. ? This energy depends on the mechanical properties of the wire, which is made of mesh (tensile strength - MPa and elongation v percent), as well as its diameter. In the event that the ductility index is less than 80, and the wire diameter is less than 1.4 mm, the mesh screen to break requires little effort and, therefore, can overcome the cumulative garnet mesh screen without triggering fuse. If the plasticity index exceeds 150, due to the low ductility of steel wire may be cases not of the mechanical properties, and then the destruction of the mesh screen will be absorbed by a small fraction of the kinetic energy of grenades, which can also lead to a breakthrough mesh without blowing the fuse. |

Therefore, the use of wire with a diameter of more than 3 mm, for the manufacture of expanded metal screens are not appropriate due to the substantial increase in their weight and, therefore, difficult installation of such protective devices.

Conducted by the experimental firing rocket-propelled grenades in one of the 15 polygons Institute of Defense of the Russian Federation in order to test the specified device, a mesh screen which is made of a wire diameter of 1.4 mm and a plasticity index of 100, have shown its effectiveness and operation of a wholly cumulative grenade detonator.

Thus, they were able to establish a system of protection that is 100% protects tanks and other military installations from rocket-propelled grenades. Application of the system in combat and in regions of tension, will reduce the casualties of our troops. And the installation of these systems at a number of buildings environmentally hazardous and hazardous objects, such as chemical plants, nuclear power plants, will reduce the risk of damage in case of possible terrorist acts.

For more information about the technology of this system, refer to Patent: 2188382 - PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT FROM JET SHAPED GARNET

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