Friday, January 24, 2014



Voiced by all print, television and online media news of the establishment of a stealth cloak - this is another attempt Americans wishful thinking or get a pre-financing under the project is doomed to failure.

The idea of such a cloak (see source lies in the fact that a soldier or special agent, dressed in a cloak alleged to be invisible to the enemy soldiers . But in fact, the secret cloak no longer a secret, and has always been known, including in our own country. The very idea is nothing new. It lies in the fact that the entire surface of the material (cloak) is dotted with tiny light emitters and photodetectors. The task of the photodetectors to take on continuously incoming light, registering its intensity and color.

This information comes light emitters on the opposite side, which should generate light with exactly the same intensity and color.

As conceived by the ideologists of the invention (WO 02/067196), the external observer, standing in front of or behind the subject in a raincoat, will actually look through it, you will not see it there.

However, no mention of the fact that such a system is only designed to disguise the still or moving objects, but being naked in the desert or tundra, where in addition to sand or snow is nothing.

Our country has already expressed ideas similar set of camouflage systems on tanks, but with the introduction of infrared guidance systems for attack aircraft, the meaning of such technology dropped by itself.

If such a cloak of invisibility, he never hides the one who should have the idea to hide. On the contrary, such a cloak would only attract attention.

And here#39;s the thing. Cloak - this thing is labile, and not as a knightly armor - strictly symmetrical and still. Therefore, when one party receives light raincoat and passes to the opposite, that in 99% of cases, the opposite side will not be the opposite, but at the expense of the owner or the movement of wind, will be shifted to the side.

As a result, the object is not only visible, but also appealing to the attention, because the observer will see an ordinary background silhouette moving lighter or darker background color, colors that will constantly change and play like a kaleidoscope.

Therefore, it is easier to hide, wearing the shape of the enemy, than a cloak.