Wednesday, January 15, 2014



COMPLETED CONSTRUCTION 33 WIND TURBINE33 wind turbines, each rated at 600 kW, were installed in Grobiņa (Liepaja District) jointly by the Latvian company Latvijas energoceltnieks (LEC) and the German Enercon. Installation of wind turbines in Grobiņa - one of the most significant energy projects implemented by our company - said General Director of the LES Andris Puce. - This will be the largest source of alternative energy in Latvia. Previously, the total project cost was estimated at about 20 million USD.

It would seem, should only be glad that we have developed competition and emergence of independent producers of clean electricity. However, the project has disadvantages too short.

As has been reported, , a group of eleven companies of similar Veja parks (Veja parks 10 ... Veja parks 20) was among the lucky few who have received the opportunity to realize the double tariff electricity. It happened shortly before the abolition of the stimulus rates.

And experts still question the legality of the transaction. After all, in force at the time the legislation for such a tariff could claim only low-power wind power station (WPS). In this case, de facto it was serious about building wind farms.

Although de jure everything looked beautiful - 11 companies receive 11 licenses for the construction of 11 wind turbines with a capacity of 1.8 MW each.

But the most important thing, thanks to the project grobinskomu other companies willing to invest in wind power tens of millions of euros, while not claiming to be supertarify are unlikely in the near future will be able to realize their plans. Thus, in 2002 the government approved the zero quota for the construction of new wind farm. This is explained by the fact that because of purchases by stimulating the average tariff rates for electricity in the state could increase by 1.7%.

A state energy policy allows for growth over five years is not more than 5%.

Potential investors (and build a wind farm with capacity from 30 to 100 MW are ready to German, British, Swedish firm) had hoped that the project Veja parks by the end of this year will not be realized and its license is canceled. However, their hopes were dashed.

What will happen next? In their declaration, the government announced its intention to Repshe to promote Latvia#39;s independence from imported energy and to support economically viable projects on the use of renewable energy resources. However, experts fear that the next year will be allocated zero quota for the installation of new capacity.

Indeed, the main consultant in the new government will be the same as the old - GAO Latvenergo.

Natalya Vasilyeva

Business the Baltics