Thursday, January 9, 2014



New technology will soon allow the market to throw shoes, speedometers, changing the color of the curtains and singing shirt. Elektrotekstil can also measure the number of steps to detect explosions, and contraband. While on the way of creation of such things still faces many problems - the need to ensure that they are kept breaks fibers and washing the car.

But scientists already have a bunch of ideas about how to transform our clothes.

For example, clicking on the letters and symbols on a seemingly ordinary denim jacket, made by International Fashion Machines in Massachusetts, create: music. Similar soft keyboard is decorated with a space suit cuffs made ILC Dover Inc. of Delaware in cooperation with NASA and the British company SOFTswitch. Astronaut can with the help of such collars to control the robot on the surface of the planet. A similar idea can be implemented soon in the costumes of drivers working in a dangerous environment. Telecommunication antennas can be interwoven into a jacket, removing the need for awkward antennas hanging in the air.

Electrically heated fibers may be used to create a warm clothes. They can also be useful in creating clothes, chameleon, receiving a color close to the color of surrounding objects.

Now the company is International Fashion Machines in talks with Nike on the establishment of sneakers, color inserts which will change color depending on how fast an athlete is running. Interweave sensors will also sense heart rate, amount of oxygen and glucose in the blood.

Many researchers believe that elektrotekstil can do more than just send and receive electrical signals. Placed under the road surface, such tissue can track traffic or pedestrian flow, and to detect fires, oil spills, or, for example, metal objects taken onto passengers in airports.