Friday, January 24, 2014



On the Yamal chromite deposits belonging to OAO Chelyabinsk Electric Factory `` (CEMP), found intact industrial diamonds. The company is preparing the necessary conditions for exploration, which agreed to Russia#39;s best scientists. Experts believe that natural industrial diamonds are unlikely to be in demand as the market is 95 percent saturated synthetic raw materials.

On the Yamal mine `Kongor-Chrome #39;(owned CHEMK. - Comm.#39;s) In Kharp discovered deposits of industrial diamonds. Information about what to chromite deposits `Central` discovered another mineral came from the Chinese geologists who were removed from this area to explore and a half tons of ore. `Technical diamond in chromites found on the results of the mineralogical analysis of the processing and thermochemical - was found about a thousand solid diamond crystals, practically uniform in size from 0.2 to 0.4 mm #39;, - the Chel. ru head of mining and geological department CHEMK Timothy Surin.

According to a publication in a Chinese scientific journal #39;Geology in China#39;, found in the Ural chromite diamonds are transparent, colorless, ideally developed octahedral crystals. Since this is a large diamond deposits, they may have commercial value, according to the material. About this discovery as an #39;surprising discovery#39; is also mentioned in the report of the American Geophysical Union, which was published in the Journal of NASA According to scientists, industrial diamonds found in this breed a second time in the history of geological research - the first time such ultra-high pressure minerals were found in chromite fields in southern Tibet.

`We suspected that may be contained in chromites industrial diamonds, and now intend to come to grips with research #39;, - said Mr. Surin. To conduct geological surveys have already given their consent specialists FSUE #39;All-Russian Scientific-Research Geological Institute. Karpinski `(Total) and the Institute of Geology and Geochemistry. Zavaritskii in the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Work will begin in 2013, according to the results of research will be clear whether it was appropriate to shift from the development of chromite to mine diamonds.

In the world of industry application range of industrial diamonds is very wide: treatment of solid materials, stone cutting and drilling equipment, tool industry, optics, etc. Experts note: despite the fact that consumption of diamonds are very large, natural minerals little demand on the market - producers prefer to use the Technical synthetic diamond (its share in the global industry is more than 95 percent).

`At least 15 countries have technology of production of synthetic diamonds. First, they are cheaper at cost: in the first half of the cost of natural diamond was 10.1 dollars per carat and the price artificially - 0,4-3 dollar. Second, they can be produced in unlimited quantities, and with the set for special applications properties#39; - says analyst at IFC Metropol `` Anna Antonova.

According to the expert, incidental production of industrial diamonds can be economically unreasonable if their reserves of chromite ore will be low.

`The additional costs of the examination and special equipment can also increase the cost of production of diamonds#39; - she says. Leading expert of Finam `` Dmitry Baranov also does not consider it appropriate to switch from one type of raw material for another. According to him, the investment to rebuild the deposit may be so great that would be unprofitable to mine diamonds. `Well, the main argument is that the CEMP is not shifting its operations and, therefore, chromite ore it is still needed.

So they have to produce, as in the past #39;- he adds.

As experts note, there is no exact data on the number and quality of industrial diamonds in the Yamal chromite ore mine, to talk about how to implement the product yet. Meanwhile, today#39;s mood in the control group CHEMK can be called revolutionary - the question of what to do with a suddenly fallen down riches, and how to properly dispose of them, put in the forefront. It is therefore possible that the usual scheme of the fields in the near future will be reviewed.

Enthusiastic leadership attaches to the fact that the mine has everything you need for the diamond: people, land, equipment, and infrastructure.