Wednesday, December 4, 2013


SKOLTEH Takes modeling complex ENERGY SYSTEMS

Agreement signed by the Rector Skolteha Edward Crowley, CEO `Forecasting Agency in Energy` Igor Kozhukhovskiy, First Deputy Chairman of the Board of FGC UES ``, Executive Director of IDGC Holding `` Andrew Moores, deputy chairman of `System Operator of the Unified Energy System `Fedor Opadchy and CEO of the industrial group En + Group Volynets.

The signing of agreements - the result of the cooperation of all stakeholders in the framework of the standing advisory group on research and development in the field of energy technology, created on the basis of the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology in the summer of 2012. Coordinates the work of Skolteha vice president for government programs and cooperation with industry Alexey Ponomarev.

These agreements provide for joint research in the field of modeling of complex power systems and the construction of general education programs. Research will be conducted on the basis of the research center Skolteha to work on which is scheduled to begin in the spring of 2013. Conducting research will be co-financed by the companies interested in the results.

Among the areas of collaboration Skolteha and En + Group - the creation and management of a condition of intelligent infrastructure systems, modeling and design of complex socio-technical systems in the energy sector and related industries, the core technology of power generation, alternative renewable energy, technological solutions based on superconductivity, the reduction of losses in heating, new materials, etc.

The priority areas of cooperation Skolteha and IDGC Holding JSC `` include the creation of automated accounting systems of electricity, telecommunications, energy storage, new materials for wire transmission line, load control and monitoring, development of new methods of diagnosis equipment, energy management, energy conservation and energy efficiency, environmental safety and a number of other innovative projects.

Skolteh and JSC SO UES `` will engage in joint development and application of modeling techniques, algorithmic, analysis of electric power modes and their management. Prior research team center will be tasked to adapt the developed world#39;s leading scientists design models and algorithms under the conditions of functioning of unique Russian power system.

Cooperation Skolteha and ZAO `` EFA will address issues related to the modeling and design of complex socio-technical systems in the energy sector.

`One of our major goals is to create within Skolteha International Research Center - Center for Science, Innovation and Education (TSNIO) in the electricity sector. We will conduct research work in accordance with the classical principles and in parallel to develop technologies that will improve the efficiency of the Russian electric power industry. It is an innovative approach: the more scientists tend to engage in a purely scientific themes, rather than the solution of applied problems such as the transmission and distribution of electricity.

In our case, the decision of individual tasks will be integrated into the overall system, which will give the opportunity to achieve the best results in the shortest possible time #39;, - said the rector Skolteha Edward Crowley.

`Holding IDGC sees in the face Skolteha integrator of advanced international research and research skills in the field of power transmission and distribution, counting on mutually beneficial cooperation, with the ultimate aim of which is to build a power to a whole new level of technology #39;- said the First Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of FGC UES` ` , Executive Director of IDGC Holding `` Andrew Moores.

`Recent trends - the rapid growth in demand for electricity from the eastern borders of Russia, the active development of cross-border electricity trade, and the emergence of new efficient technologies of production and transmission. East Russia has unique energy resources, the development of which can be a key driver of economic growth in the region, as well as allow to enter new markets in Asia. We are confident that a joint study En + and Skolteha will ensure the most efficient use of energy resources of the East Russia #39;, - said General Director of En + Group Volynets.

`We feel important and relevant Skolteha new initiatives in the energy sector, especially the planned center on the problems of modeling, analysis and design of energy systems in the design and theme of which were active, our experts. I am convinced that the activities Skolteha will form a much-needed new knowledge, as well as personnel and for promising industry tasks#39; - summed up the general director of the Agency for `Forecasting Energy` Igor S. Kozhukhovskiy.