Tuesday, December 24, 2013


NEW noise-resistant method of transmitting information

Russian researchers have discovered a new method for transmitting information using chaotic signals, which can be applied in communications technology to improve speed and noise transmission.

From the current level of science and art, the chaotic signals generated by nonlinear deterministic dynamical systems, the so-called dynamical chaos (*) have a number of properties that contribute to these signals to transmit information. We have already proposed the idea of a number of specific communication schemes that use dynamic chaos.

Actually there are two types of methods of transmitting information from spreading. First operates using narrow band periodic carrier of information. For example, such a scheme works CDMA - multi code division multiple access channels, and a frequency modulation system in which the bandwidth of the transmitted information bandwidth significantly less than the transmitted signal.

The second type information transmission spreading fundamentally based on using broadband carrier frequency band which is wider than the bandwidth of the transmitted information. These types of systems are spread-spectrum frequency hopping carrier signal. Such information transmission system developed in the West.

In contrast to these principles, a group of scientists under the direction of Alexander Dmitriev and his colleagues, Panas AI, Starkov SO, Andreyev Yu.V., Kuzmin LV, BE Kyarginskogo and Maksimov NA, was founded a new principle on which is built the transmission of information-spreading performed using chaotic signals. These broadband circuit forming medium by using a chaotic dynamic system that generates chaotic signals directly in the entire transmission frequency information (e.g., at ultrahigh frequency - UHF).

In order for their system to work, they had to solve the problem of generating random fluctuations in the required frequency range of the electromagnetic spectrum, as well as to develop effective methods for entering information into the chaotic signal at the transmitting end and retrieval of said signal at the receiver. To date, only the direction outlined the creation of such systems operating on a similar principle, but not the specific implementation microwave. In addition, our scientists have achieved the championship.

Thus, they were able to develop a method of transmitting information using chaotic signals, providing as a result of the implementation of technical communication systems in which information is entered into a chaotic signal is generated directly in the transmission range of information, which they called chaotic communication systems.


(*) -? Dynamic chaos has many properties of random processes such as continuous power spectrum, exponentially decaying autocorrelation function, the unpredictability of long intervals. In describing the behavior of dynamic systems by using the concept of phase space in which the state of the system represented by a point, and the change of the state in time - the phase trajectory along which the image point. Systems with deterministic chaos are in a phase space attracting set, where the phase trajectory gather into a single channel. This attractive set is called a strange attractor. |

Contact information:

121609, Moscow, ul. Krylatsky Hill, 1, Apt. 343, Dmitriev, Alexander Sergeyevich