The enterprise VIZ-Stal `released seven millionth ton Steels since the start of cold rolling mill (CHU) in the 1973 production of the Jubilee was cold anisotropic steel thickness of 0.23 mm, grade 1 premium brand NV23S-100L. Today roll shipped to customers service center NLMK-India.
For 40 years CHU produced different kinds of metal, but the main products of the company has always been cold rolled steel: the total output of its share exceeded 5 million tonnes from 2011, VIZ-Stal completely shifted to production of cold rolled oriented steel demand in the market as the most .
Today, the company produces an anisotropic steel thickness of 0.23 - 0.50 mm, width up to 1000 mm with an electrically insulating coating types. This metal is widely used for the production of magnetic power and distribution transformers, high-voltage and low-voltage equipment, engines and other VIZ-Stal also produces special grades anisotropic steel thickness of 0.5 mm and 0.35 mm, coated stamping, used in the manufacture of generating machines .
Over the past 5 years due to the implementation of projects Technical Upgrade Programme quality of produced metal is greatly improved. Commissioning of laser systems and the use of magnetically insulating covering the whole of the products helped to reduce the level of specific magnetic losses by 10%. The modernization of units rectifying annealing helped to stabilize the technical characteristics of the metal. In general, the output of premium brands (3408-3409) for 2012 increased by half compared to 2007 and amounted to more than 97% of the total.
Production of high quality metal surface increased to 86% (15% increase).