Monday, December 2, 2013


Increased generation in the Volga HPP IN 2012

The second time in the entire history of the Volga hydroelectric power station in early December, was opened for overflow dam of idle discharge as the water inflow exceeds the capacity of hydroelectric units.

A total of 2012 branch of RusHydro `` - `` Volga HPP developed 11,626,100,000 kWh of electricity, which is 112.9% of the targets. The increase in power generation due to the prevailing hydrological and water situation in the Volga-Kama basin, as well as the modes of the Volga hydroelectric power station established by the Federal Agency for Water Resources (Rosvodresursy).

In 2012, a branch of OAO RusHydro `` - `` Volga HPP transferred to the budgets of all levels of taxes on the total amount of 762.7 million rubles. Including: the federal - 24,6 mln., The regional - 737,800,000 rubles., The city - 0.3 million rubles. In addition, the board of budget funds amounted to 44.0 million rubles., For the lease of land - 20.3 million rubles.

Sum payment for use of water resources in 2012 totaled 107.6 million rubles.

The outcome of the branch in 2012 OAO RusHydro `` paid income tax in the amount of 200.2 million rubles., Including the consolidated budget of the Volgograd region - 180.2 million rubles. As a result, the total amount of tax deductions totaled 962.9 million rubles.

Maintenance programs, maintenance, research and comprehensive modernization of hydropower in the reporting period made for a total of 3,128,400,000 rubles. Of those sent to repair 503,700,000 rubles., To work on the re-equipment and reconstruction of basic equipment - 2,624,700,000 rubles.

In 2012, a branch of RusHydro `` - `` Volga HPP overhauled two hydraulic units (Article? 2, 10). Upgraded two hydroelectric (Article? 8, 12) with the replacement of turbines for more powerful. Almost complete reconstruction of st. ? 5. Work began on the replacement of turbine station. £ 20.

Updated equipment of the central oil. Also carried out the work in accordance with the action plan for the preparation plant for the autumn-winter season 2012/2013 years.