GLAVEKSPERTIZA Russian Federation approved the construction of thermal power plant in YAROSLAVL
Yesterday, December 4, in the Yaroslavl Energy Forum in concerts and entertainment center of the exhibition #39;Energy efficiency - the regional dimension#39;.
The exposition presented the model of the largest thermal power project in the area - CCGT cogeneration plant at the site in Yaroslavl Teninskaya boiler capacity of 450 MW.
Remember, this is one of the largest investment projects TGC-2 with the assistance of foreign direct investment. The joint venture of TGC-2 and Chinese China Huadian Corporation plans until 2014 to implement the project cost up to 20 billion rubles by funding 30% of its own funds, and the remaining 70% raise as a loan from the largest Chinese bank ICBC.
- The other day Glavekspertiza Russia has issued a positive opinion on the construction of the object. It remains to obtain permission from the local government, and you can proceed to the stage of construction activities, - said General Director of TGC-2 Vladlen Alexandrovich.
This project will allow the Yaroslavl region halve power deficit in the region. Prior to 2015, the regional authorities plan to solve the problem of energy shortage, improve security of supply heat to consumers.