Tuesday, December 17, 2013


DROPPED OUT IN DECEMBER buildings on the market suburbs

The yield of the primary market suburbs of new housing units in December fell by almost half, reflecting a slowdown in housing construction in the Moscow region. However, during the year the growth rate of prices for new suburbs lagged behind the rate of inflation.

According to the Department of Research Group `` Miel, the supply volume of the market of new buildings of Moscow region in December, virtually unchanged (+0.4% mom) and amounts to more than 5.8 million square feet. m, of which about 372 thousand square meters. m has entered the market in December (November left more than 600 thousand square meters. meters).

During 2012, the primary housing market of Moscow region added 621 housing apartments over a total area of 5,000,000 square meters. m (in 2011 entered the market more than 660 new facilities total area of 4.1 million sq. m.). Most of the new offerings - multi-storey housing. The share of low-rise buildings during 2012 remained at the level of 22-24%.

During 2012, some change in the structure of housing: the proportion of newly middle class has grown by 6.7 percentage points (pp), including time as a share of space in new economy shrunk by 6.1 pp

In December 2012 the weighted average price of the offer virtually unchanged at 69.8 thous. / Sq. m (0.6%). In dollar terms the price was $ 2.15 million / sq. m, which is 1.3% lower than in November.

During the year the ruble prices of new buildings of Moscow region grew by an average of 3.9%, the dollar prices added 0.6%.

`Significant role in changing market conditions of primary residence of the Moscow region has played a formal adherence to the capital of the south-western territories that formed the Trinity County and Novomoskovskiy - said the head of research at MIEL` `Lucia Lutskova. - In July of 2012 the volume of supply of new suburbs fell by 11% (by number of objects in the sale), the average offer price in the region decreased by 2.8%. According to the results, the share of south-western sector in the total supply decreased by 8.2 pp on the number of cases in the sale and by 7.5 pp for the total size of the apartment. The average price in the south-west for the year decreased by an average of 17.8%. A 4.3% decrease in prices in the south, where a part of the territory also became a part of Moscow.

On the other directions the field for the year was recorded positive price dynamics: from 2.9% in the south-east to +9.1% and +9.2% in the north-west and west #39;.

Depending on the distance from Moscow positive price dynamics in the range of 3.3% to 8.3% was observed in all territorial zones, except the removal of the belt 13 to 25 km from Moscow, where the average price level for the year has not changed.

For 2012 prices rose in all segments of primary residence of the Moscow region. New economy have increased in price 1.7%. New middle class grew over the year by 4.8% (69.7 thousand rubles. / Sq.

Meters in December). The largest increase showed New business class (+7.4% per year). Despite the release of new projects in the initial stages of construction, supply in this segment `washed out #39;of the market is slower than the economy or middle class, so the price increase occurs as the construction progresses.

`Reshuffle in the leadership of the Moscow region, as well as changes in building policy in the region has led to a temporary slowdown in housing construction, - the general director of Miel` New `Sophia Lebedev. - Growth in mortgage rates, the cost of the consumer basket, while reducing the real incomes of the population led to a decline in buying activity by the end of the year. In such circumstances, the stabilization of the price level of supply of apartments in new buildings look quite natural. In the near future the price situation on the market of primary residence near Moscow will not change significantly, although in some of the most liquid projects prices will rise with an increase in the degree of readiness of `.