Tuesday, December 24, 2013


Create a fundamentally new system of protection from hacking, which will be impossible to crack. Primarily, this system is designed to AVTOPRIEMNIKI ...

German company Robert Bosch GMBH finally managed to develop an entirely reliable coding system that allows you to protect against theft of equipment and machinery (especially car radios). A feature of this coding system is that it can not break because the crack is nothing special, and since the secret code is not stored directly in the memory.

Some of the attackers who specialize in car thefts, often, instead of messing around with the car, interested in expensive receivers and radio, especially with laser players. Implementing them on the market easier and safer than selling stolen cars, and the price of good b / ear receivers can exceed one hundred dollars.

At present, the anti-theft car radio manufacturers supply a security code or cipher. To do this, operatively associated with the radio memory remain secret code, respectively codeword. When you enter the device commissioning or re-commissioning after a temporary shutdown of the receiver from power, a secret code must be entered directly into the radio.

This input is performed either manually using the input keys on the radio control panel, or by using a code card inserted from the outside. The processor then compares the receiver is stored in the memory of a secret code with your PIN and when they coincide unlock radio for free to use it. Something that is similar to entering PIN-code in a cell phone after it is turned off.

But all of these? Freaks | Security has long been bypassed by attackers cars. The fact that the memorized radio security code can be relatively easy to crack, that is, to consider it. The equipment for the breaking of the code has long been used in all the hackers. Learning code read such unauthorized by an attacker or his accomplice may activate the radio and reconfigure it for use by unauthorized persons.

As a result, it becomes available for sale.

Nemec company Robert Bosch GMBH was developed qualitatively more advanced encoding method, which is impossible to break even theoretically. Author develop Plumayer Joerg came to the conclusion that it is foolish to try to improve the very system of protection against hacking, because sooner or later it will still find a gap. Therefore, he decided to go the other way - namely created such a coding system in which the code is not put into the device#39;s memory.

This is realized due to the fact that codeword formed by an irreversible encoding based on this apparatus assigned control information.

Such protection technology eliminates in principle the possibility of unauthorized reading this codeword for criminal purposes and unauthorized entry of equipment into service. As an irreversible encoding method used, for example, asymmetric methods, in particular the so-called RSA method (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman).

This encryption system is the result is something like the torn in half banknote when it know the full number can only be connected to the second half. In this analogy, one half of v is a receiver in the car, and the second v key, which is always at the owner himself.

The advantage of this technology is its high reliability encryption and decipher the encoded information can be skewed by only method of systematic sampling (selection of an electronic key) with the extremely high cost in time and amount of calculation that does not cost commensurate with the benefits obtained from the sale of stolen goods.

This technology will soon be applied to all consumer devices in need of protection, such as cell phones. In the future, it can also be used on cars themselves, instead of all overexposed and howling loudly signaling, which often works even from rain or from a wheel potersheysya cat.