Lenenergo coped with the 5-year program of INSULATOR REPLACEMENT FOR TWO MONTHS
OAO Lenenergo `` replace insulators on overhead power lines along the Ring Road and WHSD. More than 36,000 units of new energy equipment installed in two months, which is the volume of a five-year program to replace insulators.
OAO Lenenergo `` began replacing insulators February 1, 2013 in connection with a number of disconnecting power lines, which were in close proximity to these highways. Power lines to the equipment adversely affected reagents.
Industry experts have considered his work unique, since it dealt with in a short period of time. OAO Lenenergo `` `has done extensive work on the replacement of insulators. Putting such a huge amount of equipment in a short time is a unique example of engineers.
Note that the work carried out at the peak of power consumption.
Power lines, which are located along the Ring Road and WHSD were built long before the design and installation of these highways. Mounted on a power line power equipment was not designed for impact protection, emerging with the introduction of highways. Energy provided additional protection for energy sources that are below the level of the ring road and WHSD.
However, in need of protection as the equipment installed above the highway - power line insulators.