Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Existing methods of mineral extraction too wasteful

This is the conclusion drawn by researchers of the Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources RAS. To this end, they have developed a new technology of integrated development and effective use of subsurface mineral deposits, which can further removed from the field to 30-40% of the reserves of raw materials.

Modern methods of extraction of minerals in mining, so wasteful that a significant portion of their lost and they still need to create on the surface of tailings waste, which is usually located at a considerable distance from the mining and processing industry. All this increases the cost of production of minerals and their price in the market.

How can effectively lead extraction to lose and nothing to reduce the cost of building the tailings transport waste in tailings and use of recycled water. This problem was solved researchers of the Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources RAS.

New mining technology and recommended by them is that the exhaust portion of the ore field is determined by two groups of cameras for their favorites separated by fractions of waste production. Then determine the direction and sequence of tabs chambers and mining waste stream guided in the tailings separated into a sand fraction and the pulp, thereby forming a packing material.

Further, each thread separately fed into the chambers intended for filling, while each group of two groups of sub-chambers formed in a certain kind for filling fraction.

After full completion of the two adjacent chambers separated entirely water-Peskova bookmark produce partial refinement interchamber pillars formed by pairs of secondary camera, while the front is advanced mining operations with filling of adjacent pairs of cameras stowing material.

When working out interchamber pillars is unpromising in the camera operating as a common packing material filled flow without separating the pulp fraction and a sand waste, forming a tape tailings, and purified water is put into circulation. In the exhaust chambers can also be created to store the tailings waste any production, including toxic and radioactive.

The calculations show that of the pillars can be drawn up to 30-40% of the stock of raw materials, and the total number of pillars to be partially working out up to 60-70% of the total.

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