Wednesday, November 20, 2013



However, despite the wide range of decontamination works, the company decided to make available a method which is carried out by means of directional drilling machine VLD1000 (production of Australia). In the Kuzbass Belon `` was one of the few coal companies to apply the new technology to discharge from the recovery of methane gas.

Before you purchase a machine, the management of the mine and considered a number of proposals from manufacturers. As a result, it was decided to give preference to Australian machine - according to the provided referent-list for several years he has been successfully used in the mines of Australia and America. The specialists of the manufacturer, and the company - service men, accompanied by the delivery of new equipment, its installation, implementation and training employees.

The main advantage of the machine is that it can be from one point to drill to a depth of three kilometers and angles, including 90 degrees.

The machine is fully automated, all parameters and processes are displayed on the monitor. Installation program is set, the trajectory of drilling, mine experts can only monitor the operation of the machine.

One of the obvious advantages possessed by the machine, it#39;s maneuverability. Technique on tracks, allowing you to quickly move it from one place to another.

#39;The introduction of directional drilling machine, of course, greatly increase the speed of decontamination works, but it does not mean that the mine will refuse other methods of decontamination, - said the chief engineer of the mine `` Kostromovskaya Eugene Euro-Zone. - The fact that the use of a species depends on the geological conditions. Today, our company all the relevant ways. So, while conducting the preparatory work carried out in the mines enclosing degassing.

Degassing boreholes drilled ahead of the curve of the tunnel face, a specially trained advance niches#39;.

The next type of decontamination - reservoir, which is used when mining excavation sites - coal mining. Around the perimeter of the drilled hole in the longwall coal seam, and with a vacuum pump mounted on the surface, gas is pumped from the reservoir before the cleaning groove. Another way - degassing dome collapse, which is made from the surface.

Over the entire area of lava net wells drilled, they are connected to the mobile pumping station that takes them out of gas alternately, moving behind podviganiya stope. Plus, this species is used in the mine gazoupravlenie, which is carried out by means of degassing unit mounted on the surface. With the introduction of directional drilling machine mine in the near future plans to close about 50% of the total demand for degassing, and in the long term - 70-80%.

Kostromovskaya `to` end testing of lavas in the west wing of the mine field in the next year or two will move to the east wing - now it is under preparation. According to the requirements of industrial safety, before mining operations must be at least six months, if not a year, to begin unloading the formation of methane gas. Due to the directional drilling machine in the miners#39; Kostromovskaya `an opportunity to put the layer on the decontamination of two or three years, that is, to minimize the presence of flammable gas. If we look at the experience of other countries, in the same stratum of America for degassing put in the five years prior to the passage of mine workings.

Now it is possible, in the `` Belon.

Serves new installation site PRTB (prevention and safety), which, inter alia, the issues involved and degassing. This structure was created six years ago, and after the purchase of the machine directional drilling have been introduced time jobs - machinists drilling rigs, which for years have been trained, and now are self-drilling. In addition, the specialists of the mine, virtually the entire Surveying Department, learned drafting of drilling. Before you begin the process of drilling, prepared a special program, surveyors together with the technical service, ask the grid wells and introduced the program to the machine control. Despite the complete automation of the process, without attendants can not do.

Experts look for pressure, temperature, bring the drill rods, wrap them and start to work. Since the mining and geological conditions at times portrayed unpleasant surprises - violation and the drilling rig tool, reaching up to a certain point, cut into the rock, in such cases, the presence of experts and monitoring is necessary.

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